Black Loch Weather Forecast

Limerigg, Slamannan Weather forecast ©

Tuesday 4 July 2017

Fishing Report Week Ending 25 June 2017

Outstanding and well done. A huge thank you must go to every angler who fished at the Scottish youth team fund raiser on Sunday. Also everyone who donated prizes. It was a great effort from everyone, and one we are very privileged to be a part off. A total of £1192.00 was raised for the team. So well done to all for supporting our Scottish team. It was not great fishing conditions due to the weather on Sunday, but that did not slow down top rod on the day, Billy McGranagan who caught 9 and won a rod. The best youth was Connaire Diver with 7. He also won a rod.
Good catches this week Anderson 5 for 13.2lb on cormorants, A. Smith 8 on c/r on Portmore Devil, E. Neil 6 on diawl bachs, Gary McGinley 15 on dries, McBride and Shaw 10 on c/r on dries, Sam Montgomery 12 on dries, Bibios 12 on c/r. The  hot spots are both reedy bays, Forest bend and the high banks. A ghost tip line with hoppers pulled wet, or cormorants fished in the top 12 inches were the most consistent last week. The water is gin clear and in great condition. Stocking weekly.
This Sunday is our first ever Sierra pairs competition at the Loch. There are still 4 boats available for the day. Do you fancy a try at competition fishing with the chance of winning great prizes. Details can be found on the web site. Please phone to get booked in. You can leave it to the last minute, but Phil who runs the competition needs to know how many packs he needs to bring. The anglers who have entered are sure to have a great day with there partner in the boat. Look for next weeks report to see who won on the day.
Tight lines to all. 

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