Black Loch Weather Forecast

Limerigg, Slamannan Weather forecast ©

Tuesday 19 July 2016

Fishing Report Week Ending 17 July 2016

A huge thank you must go to all the anglers, and friends that supported the Strathcarron fund raiser on Sunday. A total of £ 1115.00, plus the change in the donation tin has been handed in, to the local hospice. Thank you to all who donated prizes, for the raffle and the auction. Strathcarron is an amazing hospice and one we can be very proud off. So sleep well this week friends, knowing that what you gave will go to helping care for another. A huge thank you must go to the Symon family for all the preparation and food they provided. The "wee man" would be proud. 

The 2016 boat league winner is Marco Ezzi winning a rod and £300. His dad David Ezzi was second winning a reel and £200. Third place was George Leishman winning a line and £100. A huge thank you must go to Fishers for providing the weekly prizes and the rod ,reel and line for the winners. We are working on a different competition for next year and hopefully Fishers will help again. You can contact Fishers for all your fishing needs. The link is on our web page. (

The wind blew at the weekend and never gave up. Conditions were not ideal for summer fishing. Jumpers and jackets were needed also, as it was cold. The weather is to be much better this week and more settled. That will make for more consistent catches. Top rod this week was regular John O,Hara with 2 for 4.14lb and 9 c/r on sedges and he said he could of caught 20. Gary McInlay 6 on c/r on wickhams and crunchers, Lochinch A.C. 15 for 32.5lb, John was back again catching 5 this time for 11.5lb and 9 c/r on yellow owl, S. Forrest and G. Owen 14 on c/r on dries, R. Miller 12 on c/r on yellow owl, K. Miller 14 on c/r on dries, Chris Stoneley 2 for 4.2lb and 4 on c/r, D. Black 2 for 4.6lb and 6 on c/r, Nicol and Clarke 10 on c/r on dries, J. Walker 8 on c/r on dries.

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