Black Loch Weather Forecast

Limerigg, Slamannan Weather forecast ©

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Fishing Report Week Ending 18 September 2016

So the weather has been very mixed this week ending cold and miserable. the usual for Scotland I suppose?! The loch however has been fishing well with methods staying pretty much the same. The midge tip line using the washing line method continues to work well, as does the floating line with dry's being very consistent. Temperatures have again dropped a couple of degrees most morning especially as the week ended. The Margins continue to fish well with plenty of fish in this area. The fishermen doing well this week are as follows: C Cowen 15 fish on C&R using dry's on one of several high catch trips, G Welsh 12 fish C&R again with dry's, J McIntosh and J MacDonald 7 fish on C&R also on dry's, R Adams bag limit of 5 + 3 on C&R total weight of 12lbs. Dez miller Bag limit of 5 also using Drys total of 14lbs and the paisley patterns club on their combined catch of 28 fish + 4 C&R totalling 64lbs. CBAC club 23fish for a grand 56lbs and Ardgowan club 14 + 5 C&R for 29lbs and finally St Mungos Ac 12 + 8 C&R for 42lbs. it has been difficult to tell which flys have been working best with several having been mentioned throughout the week.

Tuesday 13 September 2016

Fishing Report Week Ending 11 September 2016

Well it got colder and rained and the wind picked up this week. Do we ever get two weeks of the same weather in a row ? Tactics changed also. A midge tip line, using the washing line method of a fab on the point and two crunchers or diawl bachs on the droppers was the best method. Dries were still catching, but not as consistent as last week. There is about a five degree difference in temperature in the mornings from the previous week. That brings with it, a big atmospheric drop in pressure and we know the trout dont like that. The margins fished well this week as the drop in temperature has cooled them down, so the trout are hanging about in them again. The flies that caught this week were very varied. From snakes and dancers, to Kate McLarens and wingless wickhams and dries. So really any fly in the box seemed to work on different days. Anglers that did well Darren Inglis 5 on c/r on fritz, G. McGinley 5 on c/r on dries, G. Leishman 4 on c/r on cormorants and booby, D. Patterson 8 on c/r on dries and wets, R.A.F. fishing club 21 for 45lb, C. Stoneley 2 for 5lb and 4 c/r. Trout Fisherman magazine has done a great report on us this month. It is issue 488. Local angler George Learmonth from Redding is heading down to Grafham this week to represent the Black Loch in the Troutmasters final. We wish him every success and tight lines.

Friday 9 September 2016


On Sunday the roads around the Slamannan and Limerigg area are closed for a PEDAL FOR SCOTLAND event.
Anglers will be allowed access to the Loch. But they should be there by 8.00 am. Access is from the FALKIRK end. There will be no access from the East or West as the roads are shut from 6.00 am that day, and all roads will open at 14.30.
Come in from Falkirk and continue up the Slamannan road B803 to the end . 
At the end of the road, event staff will allow you to continue Left towards Limerigg. The road bends to the right on B8022. Continue to the end of the road. Then turn right at the road end and we are on the left 100 yards up the road.
Please inform staff that you are going to the Black Loch.
Elinor at "Pedal for Scotland" is the contact, and her number is - 0333 300 3485

Tuesday 6 September 2016

Fishing Report Week Ending 4 September 2016

The fishing is great at the moment. All over the Loch big bags, and big fish are being caught. We had many fish caught between the 4-9lb range. With the average trout a healthy 3.2lb in weight. Drifting right across the middle is the hot spot, with a floating line and yellow owl dries. Local and regular Ian Dobbie had 19 on Sunday doing just that, on a c/r ticket. With two of the fish being in the 8-9lb range. The two bays fished well also on the same method . But the middle of the Loch is the hot spot. The red legs are on the go now. So your heather flies and hoppers should come in to there own now. They are being blown on to water in the thousands as i write this. The trout are gorging on them. Evenings are only on a Thursday night now. Some late start days are available, but you will need to phone up first to check the availability of that day. Phone 07527 254811. The bibios finished on Tuesday night with a buffet then fishing for all connected with the kids. Well done to all the coaches and helpers in making the bibios the success it has been. We have a resident osprey now nesting and eating at the Loch. Nice to look at and admire. But i wish he or she would buy a permit! Anyway that is nature. The bird watchers are loving it. We have put up remote cameras to catch the action around the Loch so we can see what it is doing. Anglers that did well this week, C. Issac 8 on c/r on dry sedge, Billy McGranaghan and Marco Ezzi 13 on c/r on boobys, B. McCallion 5 for 18lb on cdc, C. Hesseltine 5 for 12.5lb and 2 on c/r, I. Dobbie 19 on daddy black cdc on c/r, John Middleton 2 for 6.10lb and 7 on c/r, Western angling club 12 on c/r on dries, Reece 8 on c/r, Greg McPicken 8 on c/r on cdc.

We did not post a report last week as a mark of respect for the passing away of Jimmy Coyne from Carron Valley.

Thursday 1 September 2016

Fishing Report Week Ending 21 August 2016

15-21 August

Top of the water wins again. Yellow owl, sedges and daddy's were the best method last week. With the big fish and big returns belonging to the anglers on the dries. The consistent candy booby and yellow dancer did catch fish, but the better bags were coming to the anglers on the dry. Jock Cairns and Willy McCann are regulars at the Loch and it was great that they had 8 on c/r on Thursday with one rainbow about 9lb in weight. Hopefully the picture will be on the web soon. It was bigger than the net and we have big nets. David Ezzi also had another big rainbow on c/r, about the 8-9lb range. That picture is on the face book page. The dam is the hot spot at the moment with the high hills being a close second. The best line is a floater or midge tip. The average weight was 2.6lb and the rod average was 3.1. So it was a good week for the anglers. Anglers that did well, A. McClemont 2 for 4.12lb and 9 c/r on buzzers, M. MacRitchie 6 on c/r on dries, M. Right 5 on c/r on dries, S. Harp 7 on c/r on cormorants, I. Hillhouse 9 on c/r on diawl bach and sedge, Cove and Kilcreggan club 9 for 23lb, John O'Hara 2 for 5.7lb and 5 on c/r, M. Anderson 8 on c/r on yellow owl, and again M. Anderson 5 for 10.12lb and 5 c/r, M. Dixon 7 on c/r on dries, Willy and Jock 8 on c/r on dries, BAAC 17 for 41.11lb, B.O.S. 11 for 26lb and 15 c/r, I. McLaren 5 for 11.8lb on booby, dry and damsel. He obviously went through his box to find out what they were on. As the nights are getting darker sooner , evening seasons finish at 9.30pm now.

Thursday 18 August 2016

Fishing Report Week Ending 14 August 2016

The big fish are on the move. The Loch is bubbling with fish at the moment. This is the time of year when the double digit rainbows through caution to the wind, and can be caught that bit easier. On Monday we counted over twenty of them cruising about hitting fry and taking sedges of the surface. Be quiet in the boat, and stay seated so you dont scare the fish away, and if the conditions are right. You have a good chance to catch a monster. The weather is to be more settled this week, so it is looking good for that fish of a life time to be caught. Muddlers and dries were the best flies this week, but candy booby and cormorants also did well. A slow drift with a drouge was the best method and drifting right across the middle gave the best results. The heather hills and North reedy bay also fished well. Ayr travelers had a good day with 92 on c/r on dries, Tilly A.C. 10 for 22.10lb, Alex Adams 5 on c/r on diawl bachs, Priory club 24 for 50lb, St. Peters 45 for 99.5lb and 6 c/r, Wire Mill 24 for 44.3lb and 6 on c/r, SPRA West 35 for 80.5lb and 3 on c/r, M. Ezzi 7 on c/r on booby, Bibios kids 16 on c/r, G. Bulloch 5 for 10.7lb and 2 c/r, IBM 25 for 60lb, Ferry fly dressers 15 for 34.5lb. Nights are drawing in now so evening seasons finish at 9.45pm.

Wednesday 10 August 2016

Fishing Report Week Ending 7 August 2016

The Loch fished well during the week with some great catches and great fish. Look at the stunning rainbow caught this week at the Loch on the web site. On Saturday as the huge pressure change occurred, ready for the high winds on Sunday. It made conditions hard on Saturday. Trout dont like huge atmospheric changes. Then all the boats were cancelled for Sunday because of the high wind gusts of 50 mph. it was midge tip lines or slow sinking lines this week that did best, with flies like blobs, gold humungus, booby's and fab's. What a difference a week in Scotlands summer can make to our fishing conditions. Drifting right across the middle of the Loch was the most productive this week with the best bag weights coming from this area. A lot of fish in the 3 to 5lb weight range were caught this week. Good catches this week, A. Martin 6 on c/r, J. McAlliom 5 for 12.10lb, G. Leishman 5 for 11.4lb, Ferry fly dressers 15 for 34.5lb, IBM 25 for 60lb, G. Bulloch 5 for 10.7lb and 2 c/r, C. Cowan 14 on c/r, G. Fisher 3 for 7.10lb and 9 c/r, G. Adamson 5 for 14.2lb and 2 c/r, Jaycob 7 on c/r, B. Nelson 5 for 14.7lb and 1 c/r, Callame club 22 and 3 c/r, G. McGuire 6 on c/r.

A well done to our Scottish youth team who came second in the International in Ireland. They were only two fish behind the winners who were the home nation Ireland. Which was great, as on the match day the wind blew hard and made conditions terrible for all the boys.

Monday 1 August 2016

Fishing Report Week Ending 31 July 2016

Big fish are being caught at the Loch at the moment. Browns and rainbows. Look at he website to see the brown and rainbow that were caught this week on different days by different anglers. You will understand that a fish of a lifetime can be caught in the Loch. The tail on the rainbow is twice the size of the girth of the trout and just look at the silver growth marks through the tail. You can not catch better quality trout than that. If you hook one of these monsters, it is like hooking a torpedo on steroids. Just about every day, anglers are commenting on the big fish that are cruising about. The high banks tight to the Lilly's, and South reedy bay fished well this week, on midge tip lines and hoppers. With a steady retrieve just under the surface seemed to work the best. Anglers that did well this week, Rainbow warriors 40 for 90.04lb and 15 c/r, W. Munn 7 on c/r on hoppers, J. Anderson 5 on c/r on hoppers, Gillespie and Harrison 9 on c/r on daddys, C. Stoneley 2 for 4.10lb and 7 c/r, G. McFarlane 6 on c/r on blobs, G. Pelini 6 on c/r on booby, M. Moran, K. Miller and friends had 3 boats with an average of 12 to each boat, Townhill Angling 28 for 56lb, J. Young 5 for 11.14lb and 8 c/r, J. Middleton 2 for 5.5lb and 5 c/r on sedge, Milngavie A.C. 23 for 47.5lb and 6 c/r, L. Gardner 2 for 5.12lb and 6 c/r on cormorants, SPRA A.C. 41 for 90.9lb and 21 c/r, A. Taylor 5 for 15.6lb and 2 c/r, a. Scales 3 for 8.5lb and 6 on c/r on dries, G. Coalston 7 on c/r on diawl bach, J. Read 8 on c/r on driesR. Short 8 on c/r on black cdc. 

Can i also wish the Scottish youth team all the best this week. They are in Ireland fishing for the national title, representing our country. Come on Scotland.

Wednesday 27 July 2016

Fishing Report Week Ending 24 July 2016

Dry cdc, yellow owl, daddy's and g+h sedge were all consistent this week. Even with the terrible Scottish weather the trout are on the surface. A few browns were caught this week on the dry including a 4.5lb specimen. There were some big fish caught this week including a 6lb and two just over the 7lb. They are great fish as they have grown on and conditioned well. We have worked out from scale size and testing on the scales, that the trout put on about 1.5 to 2lb of weight each year in the Loch. If you are fortunate enough to see some of the double figure monsters cruise about when a feeding frenzy is on. You will understand that a fish of a life time can be caught in the Loch. The frogs are on the go at the moment and when you see a double figured brown trout come up for one, you will understand how they put on the weight. Forest bend and the dam to the heather hills fished well this week on floating lines and dries. You may be tempted with the bad weather to go on midge tip lines or sinking lines. But you will go below where the fish are feeding and miss so much more action. More settled weather is forecast for this week, so that should make for good conditions for us anglers. No more thunder and lightning. At least for the moment anyway. Anglers that did well this week, A. Davidson 5 for 10.11lb and 2 on c/r, Heriots A. C. 13 for 26.4lb and 51 on c/r, St. Mungos 11 for 22lb and 1 c/r, C. Cowan 15 on c/r, W. Brice 5 for 13.7lb and 2 on c/r, Western A.C. 7 on c/r, M. Stewart 6 on c/r, G. Scott 5 for 14lb and 3 on c/r, G. Mair 7 on c/r, R. Gibb 5 on c/r, L. Taylor and I. Glassford 10 for 25.12lb, M. Nicol and G. Christie 9 on c/r. Evening sessions are still to 10.30pm, but that might change from next week. As dare i say it, that the nights are starting to draw in. So come on, get some evening sessions under your belt before you miss it for another year. Where ever you fish, enjoy your time on the water. Those are tomorrows memories.

Tuesday 19 July 2016

Fishing Report Week Ending 17 July 2016

A huge thank you must go to all the anglers, and friends that supported the Strathcarron fund raiser on Sunday. A total of £ 1115.00, plus the change in the donation tin has been handed in, to the local hospice. Thank you to all who donated prizes, for the raffle and the auction. Strathcarron is an amazing hospice and one we can be very proud off. So sleep well this week friends, knowing that what you gave will go to helping care for another. A huge thank you must go to the Symon family for all the preparation and food they provided. The "wee man" would be proud. 

The 2016 boat league winner is Marco Ezzi winning a rod and £300. His dad David Ezzi was second winning a reel and £200. Third place was George Leishman winning a line and £100. A huge thank you must go to Fishers for providing the weekly prizes and the rod ,reel and line for the winners. We are working on a different competition for next year and hopefully Fishers will help again. You can contact Fishers for all your fishing needs. The link is on our web page. (

The wind blew at the weekend and never gave up. Conditions were not ideal for summer fishing. Jumpers and jackets were needed also, as it was cold. The weather is to be much better this week and more settled. That will make for more consistent catches. Top rod this week was regular John O,Hara with 2 for 4.14lb and 9 c/r on sedges and he said he could of caught 20. Gary McInlay 6 on c/r on wickhams and crunchers, Lochinch A.C. 15 for 32.5lb, John was back again catching 5 this time for 11.5lb and 9 c/r on yellow owl, S. Forrest and G. Owen 14 on c/r on dries, R. Miller 12 on c/r on yellow owl, K. Miller 14 on c/r on dries, Chris Stoneley 2 for 4.2lb and 4 on c/r, D. Black 2 for 4.6lb and 6 on c/r, Nicol and Clarke 10 on c/r on dries, J. Walker 8 on c/r on dries.

Wednesday 13 July 2016

Fishing Report Week Ending 10 July 2016

This Sunday at the Loch is the fund raiser for Strathcarron hospice. A big thank you must go to the Symon family for organizing this event. Food will be served at lunch time for all. Even for the anglers that are out, for a days fishing and are not part of the fund raiser. They are very welcome to the meal, and the raffle . So far over £400 has been raised by anglers, buying raffle tickets for the fly box prizes. There are many great prizes on offer through auctions and raffles on the day. Five boats are still available for the day. If you want one phone 07527 254811 and book a boat. If you want to just come and join in the auction that is fine also. The auction and raffle will be held about tea time on the Sunday. This Thursday is the final of the boat league. Positions can still change. So who will be the 2016 boat league top three anglers. I will post that next week, as well as the total raised for Strathcarron. 

The weather is terrible for the middle of summer, but the ladies Invicta team were out having a good day on the water despite the weather. There photo is on the face book page. Anglers that did well, S. Loyd 6 on c/r on daddys, W. Ingram 5 on c/r on wets, M. Ezzi 6 on c/r on dries, Grangemouth Angling club had 19 for 40lb, Bridge of Allan had 24 for 52lb, John Marshall had2 for 5.2lb and 5 c/r on daddys. With the changing weather and wind conditions the hot spots were changing daily. But the best drift was going round forest bend on a midge tip or floating line on dries or wets.

Sunday 10 July 2016

Fishing Report Week Ending 3 July 2016

Apologies for late posting of report - our webmaster was having some technical issues!

It was a tale of two different conditions last week. With the change in the weather and the wind. Lures on a floating line worked well during the day. In the evening it was the sedges on a floating line. Local Stenhousemuir man David Patterson had 16 on c/r on fabs and blobs. Then regular evening anglers Willy and Jock McCann had 12 on hoppers and sedges on the surface. The East side of the Loch fished well from School bay, to the dam. At the weekend with the wind it made conditions harder at the East side. But the anglers that fished that area had the best bags. Adult damsels are pouring out the water as I write this. They are climbing out the reeds around the Loch in thousands. Drying wings, then they are off. I have never seen as many adult damsels take to flight at one time. But if nature says the time is right. They will come to the surface and start the circle of life again. So again conditions might be changing. It could be worth swimming a damsel. Anglers that did well last week, Rockfield A.C. 18 for 38.10lb, Bruce 6 on c/r on sedges, S. Sneddon 10 on c/r on yellow owl, butcher boys 61 for 130lb and 10 c/r, Luggiebank 10 and 2 c/r, S. Lind 10 on c/r on sedges, S. Hardie 14 on c/r on foam daddy, J. Mc Donald 6 on c/r on blob, Dixon 6 on c/r on diawl bach. There are still some boats available for the Strathcarron fundraiser on the 17th of this month. Lunch will be provided by Davy Symon and family. Raffles and auctions for lots of great prizes on the day. If you dont want to fish, you can still come along for the raffle etc, about tea time, and support this great cause.

With a sad note we have to say that the boat league will finish on Thursday 14th July. A lack of numbers participating in the boat league has made it come to a early end. We can only say a big thank you to our sponsors, Fishers. who have provided the weekly prizes for the boat league. So the last night will be on Thursday the 14th July and we will do the presenting at the end of the evening for the winners.

We are planing now for a big competition next year instead of the boat league. We will keep you informed.

Fishers banners will stay at the Loch, and we would ask you the anglers. If you need any tackle etc, give them a phone or pop through to the shop and give them a try. They are a great bunch of guys and will do you a great deal on your tackle. You can get the link from our web site.

Thursday 30 June 2016

Fishing Report Week Ending 26 June 2016

Evening fishing is at its best at the moment. The Loch comes alive in the evenings. So many are feeding on the surface that you feel like you could walk across the water on the back of the fish. Sedges and canis come out in the thousands most evenings, and the trout just cruise about hoovering them up. It is a great sight to see. Evening catch returns are better than the day sessions at the moment as the fish throw caution to the wind and are switched on the feed in the evening and are willing to take most flies. The two reedy bays and the dam were the hot spots this week with hoppers being the best fly this week. We don't know if the hoppers were fished dry or pulled as a wet. But black and red was the colour. Well done to George Leishman who won the boat league this week with 5 fish. Anglers that did well this week G. Fisher 5 for 11.2lb on sedges, J. Henderson 7 on c/r on hoppers, SPRA West 30 for 58.2lb, regulars Willie and Jock caught 7 on c/r on sedges, J. Mitchell 2 for 6lb and 5 c/r, R. Taylor 2 for 5.6lb and 3 c/r, John Ross 7 on c/r on dries, B. McGranagan 6 on c/r, D. Ezzi 8 on c/r, Falkirk Fly Dressers 33 for 61.4lb, Paisley Patterns 14 for 25.4lb and 7 c/r, David Fitzpatrick8 on c/r on olive damsel. There are still some boats available for the Strathcarron fund raiser on the 17th July. Phone 07527 254811 to book a boat, and support this great local charity. A big thank you to Davy Symon for organizing this event for another year.

Wednesday 22 June 2016

Fishing Report Week Ending 19 June 2016

It is top of the water sport now. Daddy's, yellow owls, f-fly out fished all other flies by a lot. Lures caught a few, buzzers caught more, but right on the top of the water is where the action is. Anglers on dries caught three times the amount of any other method that was fished this week. The fly life at the Loch is amazing, and the trout are switched on big time to the naturals. Two brown trout, one about 7lb and the other about 8lb were caught on c/r this week. They were both safely returned. A photo will be on the web site soon. They are stunning fish and a fish of a life time. Regular Scottish youth angler Marc Ezzi caught a double figure rainbow also on c/r. The fly life is amazing and the resident big fish are switched on to the naturals. At the moment if you want to have the chance of a fish of a life time, put on a dry. You will not regret it. The high hills and the East side of the Loch from school bay to the dam is still the hot spot. Anglers who drifted right across the middle of the Loch also had good bags. Anglers that did well this week, S. Grume and mcNicol had 24 on c/r on dries, T. Cairney 9 on c/r on cdc buzzers, G. Baxter 6 on c/r on cdc buzzers, T. Cassidy 8 on c/r on hoppers, D. Frater 2 for 3.15lb and 4 c/r on yellow owl, D. Patterson 10 on c/r on dries, D. Crombie 5 for 10.4lb and 2 c/r on suspender buzzer, D. Oliver and M. Stone 20 on c/r on buzzers and sedge hogs, M. Conoley 2 for 5.4lb and 7 c/r on buzzers, SSEB 15 for 32.8lb, Dave McDowell 10 on c/r on dry daddies, phoenix Angling club 14 for 29.8lband 7 c/r, Border Beans 21 for 46.3lb and 2 c/r, TonyPride 8 on c/r on dries. Marco Ezzi won the boat league this week with 7 fish. Evening finish time is 10.30pm. The Strathcarron fundraiser day on the 17th July is starting to get busier. If you would like to support this cause and book a boat. Phone up and put your name down. It is for a very good cause and the family of Charlie will be pleased to see you on the day. There will be a raffle and auction for the many prizes on offer on the day.

Wednesday 15 June 2016

Fishing Report Week Ending 12 June 2016

The weather has got colder, but the fishing has been hot. The action on the top of the water is excellent. The big sedge's are on, and we mean on. If one bumps in to you. Yes, i said that right. Bumps in to you. You will know what i mean when it happens. They are solid flying protein for the trout and they are in the thousands around the water. So a floating line and big sedge patterns will work well. The best flies this week are sedges, f-fly, and yellow owl cdc. The East side of the Loch has been holding fish all year and again was a hot spot, with the high banks a close second. David Ezzi was the winner of the boat league competition this week. He is pictured here with Barrie Dexter who was second on the night, giving the prize to David from our sponsors, Fishers. Places are available for the boat league. So if you want to give it a try, come along on a Thursday night. Details are on the web site. Evenings finish time is 10.30pm. The water is in great condition and full of natural food for the trout to eat. And the trout love this abundant food source, that is great for there muscle and condition. Anglers that did well this week G. Williams 7 on c/r, R. Telfor 9 on c/r, I. Bennet 6 on c/r, T. McAlister 5 for 11.5lb and 6 c/r, Mr. Tain 11on c/r, Bibios on a Tuesday night 34 on c/r on cdc, J. Mason 8 on c/r, Roy Stanton 2 for 4.5lb and 3 c/r, J. Mitchel 5 on c/r, S. Sneddon 4 and 4 c/r, D Oliver and M. Stone 10 for 21lb and 8 c/r, I. Oliver and D. Dawn 8 for 17.4lb, H. Dunbar and Nicky 8 for 16.10lb and 2 c/r, J. Swanson 5 for 11.1lb. The average weight was 2.4lb last week and the average rod was 4.

Tuesday 7 June 2016

Fishing Report Week Ending 5 June 2016

Good weather and good fishing this week. A lot of over wintered fish between the three to four pound are being caught at the moment. The big sedges are on the water now, and are about an inch in size. It can be explosive takes on the surface to them. Floating line was best this week, and the hot spots are the high banks and the East side of the Loch. The water is crystal clear even after all this sunshine. So move quietly in the boat and try the dry. Evening finish time is now 10.30pm. The bibio's had a professional casting instructor on Tuesday night and that went very well. Boys that did well this week, M. Johnston 6 on c/r on diawl bach, J. Norbit 9 on c/r on blobs, R. Simpson 3 on sedges and 6 c/r, Jock Mason 7 on c/r on cormorants, G. Graham 2 and 5 c/r on diawl bach, L. Carr 9 on c/r on buzzer, J. Mitchell 2 and 6 c/r on cruncher, C. Stonely 5 and 2 c/r on booby, Bothwell and Blantyre 48 and 10 c/r. Marco Ezzie was this weeks winner of the boat league.

Monday 30 May 2016

Fishing Report Week Ending 29 May 2016

The weather was good and the fishing was great last week. Floating line is all that you need at the moment. Buzzers, diawl bach's, and yellow owl dry's are all that is needed. The big sedge is about to appear and should be on the water this coming week, all going well with the weather. The fish love the big sedge, and don't want to miss out on a good healthy meal. So the rise to take them is sometimes explosive. Anglers did well on daddy's this week also, so the fish are switched on, looking for the natural terrestrials to be blown on to the water. The hot spot was right along the high bank. With the best bags coming from there. The boat league this week was won by Alan Martin with 7 fish. The evening finish time is now 10.15pm and will get later by approximately 15 minutes every week. The bibio's for the kids on a Tuesday night, will be treated to a professional casting instructor this week to help them with there casting. About ten young kids are coming now on a Tuesday night. If you have any kids fishing waterproofs, etc that you no longer need, or your kid has grown out of them. Please hand them in to the Loch. Some of the kids don't have any fishing back ground and no fishing gear at all. Well done to all the helpers on a Tuesday night who give up time, to help the next generation. A osprey was dining at the Loch this week, and is a great sight to see. We have a lot of barn owls at the Loch and a few birds of prey. But it is impressive to see a osprey dive, and then carry away its prize. Anglers that did well this week, Edinburgh walton 32 for 71.13lb and 19 c/r, I. Wheeler 14 on c/r on dries, R. Chapman 5 for 12.7lb on buzzers, R. Boag 7 on c/r on dries, Dixon 7 on c/r on fab's, L. Quinn 7 on c/r on snatcher, J. Irvine 5 for 11.5lb and 7 c/r on diawl bach's, J. O'Hara 2 for 4.12lb and 4 c/r on hot head damsel, Keatings 5 for 11.1lb and 5 c/r on bobs bits, Carluke Angling club 40 fish for 86.7lb, D. Forsyth 5 for 10lb and 4 c/r, M. Ezzi 16 on c/r on blobs, Penicuik AC 22 for 43.12lb and 6 c/r, wlfdac 42 for 92.1lb and 4 c/r, Falkirk Flr Dressers 38 for 77lb and 20c/r, Dunfermline railway club 20 for 39.12lb and 8 c/r, B.D.W AC 17 for 37.7lb. Alan Martin on the right is pictured receiving his prize for the boat league from Peter Thomson.

Tuesday 24 May 2016

Fishing Report Week Ending 22 May 2016

Local man David Paterson had a great day on the Loch catching 16 on drys and buzzers. Another regular was Laurie Taylor who had 18 on drys and I. Glassford in the boat with him had 15 on the dry. Yellow owl was the most consistent. R. Baker with St. Peters club had a lovely 7lb rainbow. The picture is on the web and the face book page. The Loch is fishing well and all over. The high banks are the hot spot at the moment with natural flies out performing the lures. With warmer weather forecast that should remain the same. Don't be afraid to try the dry even when you dont see fish on the surface. The water is gin clear and the fish will come up for a well presented dry. You are more likely to catch the bigger and better fish on the dry. Marco Ezzi was top rod again in the boat league this week with 7 on c/r. You can still enter the boat league on a Thursday night. The Black Loch Bibio.s coaching for youths on a Tuesday night is going well with 7 youths new to fly fishing coming regularly. It is great to see young kids coming through the sport, and well done to the two David's for taking this on. Kids under 16 are welcome every Tuesday evening from 6pm. Other anglers that did well this week, S. Wilson 5 on c/r on black buzzers, John O'Hara 2 for 3.12lb and 11 c/r on bin laden buzzer, S. Pozzi 5 for 10.7lb and 1 c/r, Calliston 5 for 10.12lb and 1 c/r, M. Lyons 5 for 10.5lb and 2 c/r, S. Harper 5 for 10.8lb and 1 c/r, R. Ruben 5 for 9.6lb and 1 c/r, St. Peters 30 for 67.5lb, J. Gardner 5 for 11.1lb and 1 c/r on buzzers, Neptune club 20 for 40.8lb and 3 c/r, Marco Ezzi 10 on c/r on blobs, D. Stryles 5 for 11lb and 2 c/r on yellow fab, Anan Evans 5 for 12lb. Evenings time finish is now 10pm.

Fishing Report Week Ending 15 May 2016

We smashed it this week. A huge thank you must go to everyone that helped with the Scottish youth fund raiseron Sunday. A grand total of £1350.00 was raised for the youths. More than double the amount of last year. This money will help towards travel and accommodation as our youth team heads to Ireland this year for the competition. Well done Davy Ezzi for organizing the event. The adult that won on the day had 19 fish and the winner of the youths had 11. The pictures are on the web site with Alan Martin presenting them with their prizes.. On the same day we had a club outwith four boats and one of there anglers R. White caught fish which was a great relief for him as he had blanked for the last three years fishing with his club. His picture sitting on the wall with a huge relief, is also on the web site. The Loch is fishing well with regular oap, J. O,Hara catching 2 for 3.13lb and c/r another 9. Marco Ezzi and George Leishman had the best boat on Thursday night in the boat league competition with 17 fish. Black and green fabs and boobys on the washing line, was by far the best method this week. The hot spots were the high banks, and again the East side of the Loch from the school to the dam. The perch fry are visible in the Loch just now, and are about three inches. You will see thousands of them about the jetty area. The trout are feasting on them and you can see the trout silvering up beautifully. The loch is gin clear and the buzzers can be seen coming up through the water levels and hatching off. It is a great sight to see. Evening seasons have started and finish at 9.45pm this week. They will finish later by about fifteen minutes a week as the light nights get longer. To book a boat phone Alex on 07527 254811.

***Apologies for lateness in posting - we had techie issues :(

Saturday 14 May 2016

Fishing Report Week Ending 8 May 2016

Last week the wind changed. It blew from the East and it got colder. That changed the way the loch fished. Booby, damsels and blobs were the best methods on sinking lines. The weather is to change again. It is to be sunny and warm this week. Which should be good for the buzzer catches. This Sunday is the fundraiser for the Scottish youth team. There will be raffles and a auction when the boys come off the water at tea time. It may be boys against the men. Come along and buy a raffle ticket and support the future Scottish team. Prizes include tackle bags, flies, fishing days and many more. A big thank you to Davy Ezzi for organizing this event. The boat league started on Thursday and Marco Ezzi won the first night with 7 fish. A cracking 5lb brown was also caught. All were safely returned. The turnout was small on Thursday night. But dont worry. You can still come on a Thursday night and be in the boat league, as you can drop two outings through out the year. Anglers and clubs that did well, Pentland club 24 for 57.9lb and 14 c/r, boat league 14, Chris Stoneley 3 for 6.10lb and 7 c/r, Davy Patterson 13 on c/r on buzzer, Roy Hatchard and Cameron Smith 14 on c/r, Western club 31 on c/r, D. Bradshaw 9 on c/r, I.B.M. 29 for 77lb and 15 c/r, Des Welsh 8 on c/r, B. McGranagan 11 on c/r, Aberdowrie club 27 for 55lb, Falkirk Municipal 24 for 52lb and 4 c/r,D. McCallion 5 for 10.3lb and 2 c/r. Evening seasons have started and with better weather on the forecast for this week. The evening seasons should be good.

Friday 6 May 2016

Fishing Report Week Ending 1 May 2016

The weather changed everything last week. We had snow , ice, sleet, wind and rain. It changed the way the fish were feeding. The week previous, natural flies were by far the best. Last week with the huge temperature drop things changed. Sinking lines and dancers were working well. Is it only Scotland that gets four seasons in eight hours. This huge change in atmospheric pressure unsettles trout, and this upsets the way they go about there normal feeding habits. This is why Scottish anglers are so consistent. We have got used to the weather that Scotland throws at us, and can adjust our tactics to suit. Lures were the best last week on Di-3 lines, with cats whiskers, yellow dancers, fab's and booby's being the best flies. Using the washing line method on the Di-3 was working well. Again the east side of the Loch was the best place to be. Anglers that braved the weather and were rewarded with a good catch, Barry Anderson caught a cracking 5.10lb fin perfect rainbow that you could shave with the tail on it, Luggiebank 9 for 22lb and 1 c/r, Bonnybridge A.C. 34 for 67lb and 3 c/r, Diezel A.C. 27 for 54.4lb and 4 c/r, G. Jardine 7 c/r on lures, J. Ferguson 9 c/r on blobs, R. Watson 7 c/r on cormorants, K. Stevenson 9 c/r on diawl bach's, J. Penn 14 on c/r on dial bach's, Fred Paddon 7 on c/r on diawl bach and fab, G. MacIntosh 5 for108lb and 2 c/r, J. Johnson 5 for 9.12lb and 5 c/r, W. McFarlane 5 for 10.8lb and 3 c/r, I. McLaren 5 for 11.3lb and 6 c/r, I. Young 5 for 9.14lb and 2 c/r, D. Patterson 5 for 10.5lb and 6 c/r, John Gilmour 5 for 10.5lb and 1 c/r.

The Black Loch Bibios and the boat league start this week. So for the under sixteens, come along on a Tuesday night. For the boat league, it is a Thursday night. Evening seasons have started now. Our next big fundraiser is Sunday the 15th May and this is to help the Scottish youth team. If you can manage and want to support the youth team. Please phone up and book a boat for that day. Davy Ezzi is arranging the boats for that day. It may be men against the boys. I will warn you. The boys are good.

Tuesday 26 April 2016

Fishing Report Week Ending 24 April 2016

G. welsh had the best bag this week catching 18 on c/r on buzzers and nymphs. His son Des fishes the Loch also, but I don't think he has had a catch as good as this. Local Falkirk boy Peter Thomson had 12 on snatchers and buzzers and retired George Learmonth had 12 on diawl bachs and buzzers. Mr Baxter had 14 on c/r, Mr. Hepburn had 10 on c/r, McRitchie 10 on c/r on hairs ear, G. Read 10 on buzzers and fab, J . Middleton 2 for 5lb and 14 c/r, N. Munn 11 c/r. The loch is fishing so well at the moment, that if you don't catch 10 or more fish, you name does not get a mention on this report. Edinburgh post office 23 on c/r, Bothwell and Blantyre 48 fish for 94.10lb and 16 returned, Linlithgow A.C. 21 for 42lb and 5 c/r. The best method is traditional flies like, hares ear, buzzer, cruncher and diawl bach. Fabs and yellow dancers are working but you will be out fished if the person in the boat with you is on traditional flies. The East side of the loch is bursting with fish from school bay to the dam. The biggest bags this week have came from this area. Floating and midge tip lines are all that is needed at the moment, but as I write this the weather is to get cold again this week with a chance of snow. Anglers that spooned fish told us they were full of brown buzzers. Some still moving as they drew the spoon out. John Ross was out and caught 9 on c/r but could of got 30 if he had landed all that he hooked. John will be taking the boat league although he wont be there every week. It starts on Thursday the 5th of May and is sure to be a good evenings fishing. John has a great pedigree with managing the Scottish team for many years and changed Scotland's direction in competition fishing for the better. Names are still being taken for the boat league. Phone Alex on 07527 254811 to put your name down. The Black Loch Bibios is starting soon for the kids so again put your name down and go fishing. Raffle tickets and the prizes tied by the Falkirk Fly Dressers are on show at the loch. Help support the Charlie Horne memorial fundraiser for Strathcarron Hospice and book a boat for the day. A Barbeque will be provided on the day also.

Tuesday 19 April 2016

Fishing Report Week Ending 17 April 2016

Another bumper week at the loch. Davy Ezzi caught a cracking 7lb brown trout on a beaded hares ear, and anglers have told us that they have had the best bags of there life at the Loch. School bay all the way around the East side of the Loch to the dam, is full of fish at the moment. Lures are working, but again, the traditional style flies like hares ear, diawl bach, buzzers and wickhams are having far better bags. A big well done to George Learmonth for winning the Trout masters fish of at the Loch. George now qualifies for the final that is held at Grafham water in September. The Loch is in great condition, crystal clear and the buzzers are on. Nothing deeper than a slow sinking line is needed as most of the fish are being caught near the surface. Lets hope for more great fishing days. We now have a selection of Deer Creek tying items and resins for sale at the Loch as well as nylon, reels, lines etc from Fishers in Edinburgh. Anglers that did well this week, G. MacKie 7 on c/r, R. MacKie 11 on c/r, Ian Dobbie 21 on c/r, D. Walker 5 for 13lb and 5 c/r, R. Sutherland 5 and 2 c/r, G. Learmonth 5 for 13.11lb and 1 c/r, J. Wallace 7 on c/r, G. Smith 9 on c/r, S. Small 7 on c/r, D. Frater 1 for 2.7lb and 5 c/r, Marco Ezzi 7 on white cdc, J. Oliver 9 on c/r on crunchers, M. Payne 5 for 14.1lb and 4 c/r, D. Mc Gregor 7 on c/r, S. Johnston 12 on c/r on blobs, A. Davidson 5 for 14.5lb and 4 c/r, R. Kennedy 5 for 9.12lb and 3c/r, B. Archer 5 for 12.4lb. We are also pleased to host for the second year, the Charles Horne memorial fundraising event on 17th July. Raffle tickets are at the Loch. Prizes include boxes of flies tied by the Falkirk Fly Dressers, not to be missed. If you want a boat that day. Please phone up and book one. The money raised will go to Starthcarron hospice as it did last year. A big thank you to Mr and Mrs Symon for organizing the event. A barbeque will be provided on the day. Come along and support this worth while event.

Tuesday 12 April 2016

Fishing Report Week Ending 10 April 2016

Outstanding, the fishing is amazing at the moment. We have never started a season with such a high catch rate. The first angler that blanked was 9th April. That is a record. The rod average last week 6 fish. The whole loch is alive at the moment with South reedy bay and the east end of the loch from school bay to the dam bringing in the double figure bags. The place is alive with frogs at the moment. It is amazing to see a six pound trout eating them. No wonder the trout pack on muscle and weight. Buzzers are starting to hatch and the catch rate is good for them. Also the diawl bach, and the yellow dancer are working. So not much difference then! The fish are just on. The fish are still in the top three feet of water around the shore line. Anglers that did well, Dunfermline Artisan 39 fish for 83lb, British Legion 77.10lb, St Johns 62 fish and 21 returned averaging 5 fish per club member. There best rod was Tam Ramsay with 5 plus 8 c/r, A. Mc Gregor 24 on c/r, A. Ford 5 for 11.14lb and 4 c/r, J. OHara 2 for 4.12lb and 6 c/r, J. Middleton 2 for 4.12lb and 5 c/r on a bin laden, j. Daylee 5 for 15.6lb and 3 c/r, Mr. Rice came back again catching 12 on c/r, Outboard specialised Jock Mason 7 on c/r, J. shearer 5 for 11.15lb and 5 c/r, Gary Mcinley 18 on c/r, T. Moody 8 on c/r, Ian. Dobbie and Davy Patterson from Stenhousemuir were in a boat together and had 42 on c/r. This is a great report to write. Contact Alex, book a boat and get fishing. You don't want to miss this when the Loch is fishing so well.

Saturday 9 April 2016

Fishing Report Week Ending 3 April 2016

March was the best ever. Not one angler blanked, and the rod average was amazing. Lets hope for the same in April. Diawl bach's, the Welsh little devils, are definitely the hot favorite at the moment. This fly has been consistent from the start of the season. The Loch is fishing great at the moment. Every place seems to be a hot spot. Floating lines to intermediate lines are working best and have a better catch rate than full sinking lines. The Loch is gin clear, so the fish will see and come up for your fly if it is presented well. We are just about finished planting over 1400 trees around the Loch and are looking forward to see how they come on. 

Next month the boat league and the Black Loch Bibios start. If you are interested phone Alex on 07527 254811 and put your name down. This a great way to meet other anglers and make friends. 

Catch and release is more popular now than it ever was, and the 2 fish ticket for our oap's is a great hit with them. anglers and clubs that did well are, Ray Wilkinson 7 c/r on a candy booby, Robbie Sutherland 18 c/r on a candy blob, D. Tams 4 c/r on lures, S. Walker 7 c/r on diawl bach, G. Pelini 9 c/r on diawl bach,G. McGinlay 14 c/r on diawl bach and cruncher, S. Moody 7 c/r on lures, J. Kerr 2 for 6.3lb and 7 c/r, D. Halcrow 9 c/r on super Ally, Ian Dobbie c/r 14 on diawl bach, D. Patterson 6 c/r on diawl bach, G. MacInley 16 c/r an diawl bach, Grangemouth A.C. 35 for 78.10lb and 33 returned, P. Monaghan 10 c/r on damsels, St Mungos 20 for 41lb and 16 c/r, R. Bryce 5 for 11.7lb and 8 c/r. This is only some of the great catch rates last week. You dont want to miss this when a Loch is fishing so well. Book a boat and go fishing. You will be glad you did.

Tuesday 29 March 2016

Fishing Report Week Ending 27 March 2016

The catch rate so far is amazing. No angler has blanked. The average rod last week was 8 fish. The amount of fish being caught is outstanding. The fresh water shrimp are on the go just now and the trout are gorging on them. Forest bend and the high hills are the hot spots with a midge tip line and diawl bach. A hot head damsel and cats whiskers are also fishing well. Anglers that did well, C. Gibbons 15 on c/r, G. Leishman 14 on c/r, G. Learmonth 8 on c/r, I. Dobbie 16 on c/r, A. Richmond 7 on c/r, B. Forsyth 5 for 13.7lb, F. Kerr 5 for 11.7lb, A. Mitchell 2 for 6lb and 3 c/r, K. Hardie 2 for 5.13lb and 5 c/r, J. Kerr 2 for 5lb and 4 c/r, J. O Hara 2 for 4lb and 7 c/r, J. Sneddon 2 for 4.14lb and 3 c/r. Names are still being taken for the boat league starting in May this year. Phone up and put your name down if you are interested. As April starts lets hope for more outstanding fishing.

Thursday 24 March 2016

Fishing Report Week Ending 20 March 2016

This season has started with some outstanding catches and to date not one angler has blanked. The weather has been great for March and fish are rising and can be seen feeding all over the Loch. Gary McInlay from the Luggiebank club had 24 on a c/r ticket, Ian Dobbie had 7 on c/r and C. Smith had a cracking over wintered bar of silver rainbow of 5.10lb. The loch is fishing out its skin at the moment. Lets hope for more of this settled weather so the fishing continues to be as good. Garry caught all his 24 on lures but diawl bachs were the fly of choice for most and the most consistent. Forrest bend to school bay is full of fish, right up to the heather hills are all fishing well. Slow sinking lines are the best at the moment. We are still taking names for the boat league and the Black Loch Bibios for the kids. If you are interested phone Alex on 07527 254811 and put your name on the list. The two fish limit for the O.A.P. during the week seems popular and at only £17.00 and a day in a great boat, it is a win win for our oldies. Boats are available for the weekend so call Alex and get one booked. Anglers that did well, J. Shearer 2 for 5.12lb and 2 c/r, F. Gillespie 3 on c/r, S. Hardie 5 on c/r, S. McDonald 4 on c/r, B. Hardie 5 for 11.4lb, D. Patterson 3 on c/r, D. Avery 3 for 6.4lb, J. Middleton 3 on c/r.

We know seem to have two resident swans on the Loch.

Saturday 19 March 2016

Fishing Report Season Start : 19 March 2016

The Loch is stacked full of fish and the anglers are loving it. Every angler so far has caught there fish and had a great day. The weather has been kind so far for March and fish are feeding on the surface. Diawl bachs are the fly of choice at the moment on a intermediate line fished slowly. South reedy bay and school bay are fishing well. But the whole Loch is alive with fish at the moment. Lets hope for more good weather for this to continue.

Names are still being taken for the boat league this year. So if you want to try the boat league and fish with different anglers and pick there brains this is a great opportunity. Boats are still available for the weekend, so phone Alex on 07527 254811 to book a boat.

Monday 8 February 2016

Fishing Report Winter 2015-2016

Well a lot has happened during the winter. All the boats have been worked on and painted. The building has had a fresh lick of paint and we have added a big map of the water with depth guides. A new notice board with all the up to date information is also on the wall beside the map. Best drifts and flies each week will be kept up to date. The jetty is still to get more pole supports fitted to help get in and out the boats. A few new style anchors and lots of little things to help improve your fishing experience. A bigger selection of flies, and now nylon and fly lines can be bought at the loch as well as fly tying material. The cabinets are going up as you read this. Progress is coming on with the boat league and the Black Loch BiobĂ­o's for the kids, and should be finalised within the next two weeks. The main reason for posting this is just to show what can be caught during the winter. Scott Weir was fishing at the loch in December and caught this stunning brown trout on a small black damsel size 12 on a fast glass line with a fast sinking poly leader on 4lb nylon. The trout weighed 7.7lb. It was weighed in the net then the weight of the net taken off to give us an exact weight. The fish was safely returned to fight another day. Scott was drifting and was virtually back at the jetty by the time he netted the fish. Allowing George to get on the jetty and weigh the fish with him. That fish was the biggest and best brown seen so far at the loch. The picture is pixelated and does not do the fish justice. Well done Mr. Weir, and sorry for not posting this sooner.