Black Loch Weather Forecast

Limerigg, Slamannan Weather forecast ©

Tuesday 21 July 2015

Fishing Report Week Ending 19 July 2015

It is still top of the water sport with floating lines. Daddy's, sedges and yellow owl's out performing everything else. School bay and the heather hills were the best spots, with the high banks a very close second. Drifting was the best method used this week, covering more water and fish. The fish are well spread out. It is the height of our summer at the moment, so the trout should be looking up to see what is hatching of the surface for an easy meal, or to see what is being blown on to the surface, again for an easy meal. Some stunning big fish are making an appearance at this time, and they will check your knots and tackle to the max, if you hook one. Some anglers opted for the anchor this week, using the washing line method of a fab or booby on the point, with diawl bach's or crunchers. They did okay, but not as good as the boys on the dry. Well done to First Bannockburn on Sunday. They were out fishing, as well as putting on a charity day for Strathcaron Hospice. It was one of their ways to say thank you, to the hospice for looking after Charlie Horne. One of their members who sadly passed away earlier this year. They managed to raise £650.00 on the day for the hospice. Well done to everyone who helped run and organize the event. kyle from the club was the top angler on the day, and so, picked up the first place trophy and a cheque for £100.00 that was donated from Charlie's wife. Kyle said "thank you", then immediately handed the money back to go into the hospice funds also. Who said our local bus drivers don't have a caring soft side. Well done boys. 
On Saturday day session we cancelled the boats for safety, as the wind was to gust up to speeds of 47mph. The evening boats were still on as the wind had died down. The boys that fished the evening had a good night on dries. McIntosh 5 on c/r on sedges, McGill 4 on c/r on sedges, Livingstone 4 on c/r on cruncher, comorant and sedge, S. Robertson 9 on c/r on washing line, using booby and buzzer method. Other anglers that did well, J. O'Hara 3 for 6.11lb, First Bannockburn 12 for 27.8lb, W. McSpadgen 3 for 105lb and 1 c/r on sedge, Anglers Attick 8 on c/r on sedges, J. Sneddon 3 for 6.10 and 3 c/r, J. O'Hara was back again catching 3 this time for 9.3lb and 8 c/r, M Peeney 5 on c/r, J. Kerr 3 for 6.4lb and 1 c/r. The evening finish time is now 10.30pm. The water is in great condition, crystal clear and full to the brim.

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