Black Loch Weather Forecast

Limerigg, Slamannan Weather forecast ©

Friday 20 November 2015

Fishing Report Week Ending 1 November 2015

WE ARE OPEN ALL YEAR. So with the kind November weather some anglers had great sport at the Loch. Lures was the order of the day with Damsels, white zonkers, booby and cats working well. J. Watt caught on damsel, G. Price on booby, A. Adams 3 on candy booby, L. Taylor 4 on the cat, S. Cochrane 6 on a white zonker. Again some stunning fish are showing with many anglers hooking but not landing the fish. The word from anglers this week was, " the trout in this loch are on steroids, you just cant get them in. The tails are like shovels." We are delighted that the anglers get a great fight from the trout. Some anglers found pods of fish, and had many double hook ups, only to loose them, or get snapped. But came in, as happy as Larry! with no fish to show for there hard work, but had a great day fishing, hooking but loosing at the net or before. 
We are starting" The Black Loch Bibios" next season from May. It will be one evening every week. This is for kids between the age of 8 to 16. The kids will be in a boat with another kid and a disclosure approved adult. The kids will learn to cast, make up leaders, work an outboard, how to behave in, and handle boats, and what we all want, go fishing. It will be totally catch and release. We have not set a night yet or a price. But At the moment it could be a Monday night and cost approximately £8.00 a night. Not bad for fishing, boats and outboards and instruction. Davy Symon and David Ezzie will be heading this. Please let us know if you would like your son or daughter or grandchild, niece etc. to take up this offer to learn them to fly fish. Fly fishing is becoming an old persons sport. Let us all encourage kids to love the sport as much as we do.

Wednesday 28 October 2015

Fishing Report Week Ending 25 October 2015

It gets a lot quieter with anglers now. Some put away there gear till the middle of March. Some stop fishing and start tying to fill the boxes for next year. Some look for good days in the weather and still keep fishing. At this time of year, the margins fish well, with the resident fish coming in close to the reed beds to pick up fry. You may not get huge numbers in the winter but you may get the fish of a lifetime. The average fish size caught last week was a very healthy 3.5lb. All stunning fish. We are open all year. So put your jumper on and keep fishing. Again can I ask anglers that would like to take part in the boat league next year to contact us and pass on your name. Some of the boats are out the water now for the yearly maintenance and paint. Alex is busy getting them ready. Even if you don't want to fish. Pop up and see him, get and coffee, and talk about tactics for next time.

Tuesday 20 October 2015

Fishing Report Week Ending 18 October 2015

The settled weather has made for some good days fishing. Warm afternoons with no clouds in the sky. Anglers are still catching on the dry. Fish are moving most mornings all over the Loch. Sorry to say, the weather is to change. So the fishing tactics will change also. The hot spot is still at the East side of the loch and North reedy bay is also fishing well. Not sure what the fish are taking of the top as it is a very gentle sip down. Not the head and tail. Occasionally the water erupts, as the fry feeder's fill there bellies on the stunned fish. Quite a different ripple on the water after that. Some anglers are on floating lines, others on slow sink lines. Both are working, so the flies are varied. anglers that did well, S. Aitken 5 on c/r on squirmy's, Davy Paterson 4 on c/r on cormorants and booby, J. McDonald 4 on c/r on snatchers, G. Learmonth 4 on c/r on lures, George Bell 3 for 7.10lb and 4 c/r on booby, A. Fountain 6 on c/r on cdc and hot head damsel, Chris Stoneley 3 for 7.14lb and 4 c/r on sunburst fab, David Frater 6 on c/r on dries, J. Grant 5 for 14.3lb on hot head damsel, David Wilson 4 on c/r on dries, John Middleton 3 for 7.8lb and 2 c/r on diawl bach and cormorants, S. Moodie 4 on c/r on cormorants. Hot head damsel was the most consistent fly this week.
We had a meeting with John Ross about the boat league for next year and are pleased to say things are moving forward well.
We would like to ask anglers interested in a boat league at the loch to please tell us by email, phone or text what night would best suit you. We will be in a position then to select a night that suits most anglers. Please let us know asap.
The rules will be posted on the web site when finalised. As will the format. It will run from May for approximately 14 or 15 weeks every week.

Tuesday 13 October 2015

Fishing Report Week Ending 11 October 2015

The 3 fish ticket for the oap's during the week was a hit this week. Just about every one of them bagged up and then went on to c/r. The weather is kind at the moment considering it is the middle of October. We have started to take some of the boats out of the water for the yearly maintenance and paint. That keeps Alex busy. The East side of the loch is fishing out its skin at the moment. From the dam to school bay is full of fish with anglers fishing dries or hot head damsels. All are working at the moment. That area is the hot spot at the moment. Anglers that did well this week, S. Moodie 11on c/r on booby and cormorants, D. Paterson 7 on c/r on booby, diawl bach, and cormorants, Falkirk Fishing Club 14 for 31lb, Gilbert Owen 3 for 8.13lb and 3 c/r on Kate Mclaren, G. Leishman 3 on c/r on booby, Sam Forrest 3 for 6.13lb, Mr Mcgreggor 4 on c/r, David frater 4 on c/r on cormorants, G. Owen 3 for 6.10lb on cormorants, Sam Forrest was back again catching 3 for 7.10lb on boobys, Pryde 4 for 11.8lb and 2 c/r, McCall on the damsel, Doyle 5 and 2 c/r on dry sparkle cat. We are getting a report done on the loch this week. So if you can manage Wednesday or Thursday. Pop up and who knows, you might get your picture in a well known magazine. 
The Black Loch bibio's, for kids learning to fly fish and under age 16 start next year. We are working on a program for that. Details to follow.
Also with great excitement we are pleased to say we will be starting a boat league next year. John Ross, Scotland's most successful team manager will be helping with that. So it is sure to be a success. Details again will follow soon. 

Tuesday 6 October 2015

Fishing Report Week Ending 4 October 2015

Fresh water shrimp. The loch is full of them at the moment. The fish that have been caught and spooned are full of them also. So it is time to get out and put on your shrimp patterns and fish them below the surface with a figure of eight retrieve. As winter draws near the fish know leaner times are ahead, and are looking to stock up on food to see them through the winter. It could be the shrimp or the fry which are about four inches now. This is the time when you have a real chance of catching a big fish that is looking to gorge on a food source and throwing caution to the wind. we wish you tight lines. Anglers that did well this week F. Dellet 5 for 12lb on a booby, B. Archer 3 for 8.6lb on a green lure, D. Wilson 4 on c/r on Ally McCoist, H. Broadley 3 for 8.6lb and 2 c/r on a booby, A. Mitchell 3 for 9.11lb and 5 c/r on a damsel, P. Thomson 4 on c/r on fab and damsel, I. Sharp 3 for 7lb on cormorant, J. Middleton 3 for 8.11lb and 1 c/r on diawl bach and cormorants, B. Scott 4 for 11.12lb on cormorants. The hot spot is still at the stones between the heather banks and school bay about eighty yards out. Drifting is best covering more water with a slow sinking line. Evening sessions are only on Thursday, Saturday and Sunday now, as it is getting dark by 6.45pm.

Monday 28 September 2015

Fishing Report Week Ending 27 September 2015

G. McInley was top rod this week catching 15 on c/r on blobs and sedges. I think they were on different lines and fished at different times during the day. But they may have been on the same cast. Well done any way. Dries are still working as well, with Heriots A.C. catching 11 and c/r another 24 on dries and cormorants. Anglers who moved about the loch, were rewarded this week with good catches. J. Cairns 8 on c/r on sedges and cormorants, Peter Thomson 7 on c/r on blob and cruncher, S. Hardie 8 on c/r on cormorants, J. Murphy 5 for 11.12lb on sedge, G. Ferguson 5 for 12.3lb on cormorants, W. McCann 7 on c/r on diawl bachs, D. Higgins 1 for 3.2lb and 4 on c/r on cormorants, St. Mungos 12 for 28.4lb and 2 c/r, Ferry fly fishers 11 for 26lb. Cormorants in different body colours with a black wing was the top fly this week. Fished with a steady short retrieve just under the surface. Forest bend and the dam were the hot spots this week. Again cormorants catching the most in these areas. Evenings finish at 7.30pm, and you can still get a normal day permit, or a noon till evening permit.

Tuesday 22 September 2015

Fishing Report Week Ending 20 September 2015

*** Evening Fishing now ends at 7.30pm ***  The trout are in great shape and fighting as hard as you can get anywhere. We are getting our fish from Ae fishery again this week. They are coming on Thursday this week, so the anglers on Friday will get a good chance of sport before the weekend. The hot spot this week was at the stones between school bay and the heather hills. The fish are not deep. A midge tip or intermediate are all that is needed. Cormorants and orange blobs were the best flies this week. Some anglers are still catching on sedges and the F-fly on the surface, but lures seem to be doing the best at the moment. Anglers on the drogue, constantly moving and pulling flies got the best bags by far. John Middleton a regular caught a cracking 6.8lb rainbow. You will see the picture at the side. You can see the growth rate in the tail. The fish we stock are all about 2.5lb. So we believe this fish has been in the water about 2 years and has put on about 2lb a year in weight. The feeding in the water is amazing. It is no wonder that the fish pack on weight and muscle. They wont come in easy if you catch one though. Anglers that did well this week, Falkirk Fly Dressers on there 30 year anniversary got 15 for 35lb and 28 c/r with one c/r about 6-7lb. Gary Brown 5 for 12.12lb and 1 c/r on a wee Bert special, Ardgowan Fishers 16 for 34.8lb, Paisley Patterns 13 for 30lb and 2 c/r, S. Telford 6 on c/r on buzzers, J. Grant 5 on c/r on cormorants, D. Curran 6 on c/r on green peter, s. Hamilton4 on c/r on cormorants, M. White 3 for 5.10lb and 4 c/r on Kate McLaren, J. Marshall 2 for 5.10lb and 3 c/r, C. Anderson 5 for 10.3lb on blob and cruncher, C. Stoneley 3 for 7.12lb and 4 c/r.

Monday 21 September 2015

Fishing Report Week Ending 13 September 2015

First of all, let me apologise for the delay in posting this report - our Webmaster was sick last week!

Blobs or hoppers. They are about as far apart, in fishing flies as we are to the moon. But that summed up this weeks fishing. Some anglers were on floating lines with hoppers and some on Di-5 with blobs and snakes. The catch rate for both was consistent. Work that one out. Not as many anglers spoon there fish now. That could be because many anglers do catch and release. So it is hard to know on a daily basis what is on the natural menu for the trout. The loch is full of fry and sedges are still on. They must end soon, but there seems to be a limitless supply this year. Weekly stocking still continues and our fish this week are coming from AE fisheries on Friday. Let us know what you think about them. School bay, the heather hills and the dam fished well this week. But anglers had to move about to find fish. If you don't hit fish within 30 minutes at the most. Change flies and if that doesn't work, move. It is a big water, so great if you are on the fish. If not, get the old grey mater in your head working. If you move and it works well done. You worked to earn your fish. It was good to see The Invicta club up on Sunday. It is great to see the ladies fishing and certainly holding there own against a predominately male sport. Well done to Judith Swan who won the competition on the day. Anglers that did well this week, Loanhead and district 50 fish for 121.15lb, Alan Martin and D. Tyrie 12 on c/r on dries, Rainbow warriors 16 for 37lb and 2 c/r, Ferry Fly Fishers 19 for 38.6lb, The Invicta club 10 for 24.8lb, Billy Mc Granaghan 7 on c/r on cormorants, Des Welsh 4 on c/r on sedges, A. Ritchmond 3 for 7.8lb and 4 c/r on sedges and damsels, he was back again catching 4 on c/r this time. Anglers Attic 6 for16.6lb on sedge and f fly, H. Broadley 3 for 8.4lb and 4 c/r, on diawl bach, John Middleton 3 for 6.13lb and 2 c/r, Milngavie club 14 for 30.8lb on diawl bach, fab and sedges. Well done to our local youth, Marco Ezzie who has just qualified for the second time to fish for the Scotland Youth team. Evenings are still on till 8pm. You can get a ticket from midday till 8pm or a standard day ticket. Contact Alex on 07527 254811 for bookings or up to date information on the loch.

Wednesday 9 September 2015

Fishing Report Week Ending 6 September 2015

The loch fished steady all week, with the weather being kind it made the fishing good. Top of the water or just below the surface is the best at the moment. Young Marco Ezzie had two fin perfect stunning rainbows during an evening session on catch and release. You could shave with the tails on them. He is busy practising his skills for next years Scottish youth team, and we wish him well this Saturday. Both fish were between the 7 to 10lb mark, and looked stunning. The pictures will be on our web site soon. Dry daddy's fished very well, as did the ever consistent candy booby. Sedges are still on the water and anglers are catching well on them. There seems to be an endless supply of sedges this year and the trout love them. The two reedy bays and school bay were the hot spots this week with most anglers bagging up by midday most days. The loch is still full and crystal clear. Lets hope for more settled weather this week so that the fishing stays as good. Anglers that did well A. Richmond 3 for 7.5lb and 4 c/r on a sedge, Harry Broadley 3 for 7.2lb and 7 c/r, John O'Hara 3 for 10.6lb and 5 c/r on a sedge, Harry Broadley was back again with 3 for 6.2lb and 1 c/r, W. Tomlin 4 on c/r on cormorants, J. Bryan 4 on c/r on cormorants and cats whiskers, Cowdenbeath club had 30 fish for 68lb and about the same on c/r, Des Welsh had 5 on c/r on a red sedge, Billy Mc Granaghan had 5 on c/r on a red sedge, Mark Paterson had 5 for 10.15lb, Stuart Miller had 5 for 10.12lb, A.B.C. and D had 32 for 79.2lb. Evening session's finish at 8.15pm now, and you can still get your normal day permit or a 12 till 8pm permit. Phone Alex on 07527 254811 for up to date information on the Loch. Tight lines.

Tuesday 25 August 2015

Fishing Report Week Ending 23 August 2015

The fish are well spread out. It was a case of moving about this week. Some anglers were on the sedges and done well. While other anglers were on the bottom, and caught just as many. Stocking continues weekly from Yarrow fishery throughout the year. Normally the stock fish hold in the reedy bays for a day or two, but they moved out quickly this week. Evening sessions finish at 9.15pm now. You can still get a mid afternoon, till evening session ticket. But check with the lodge first for boat availability. Anglers and clubs that did well, C.I.B.A had 13 for 31.7lb, S. Sneddon 5 on c/r on cdc, W. Salmond 5 for 12.9lb on fabs, D. Brown 5 for 13lb on montanna, Grangemouth A.C. 5 for 15.3lb, Bank of Scotland 26 for 68lb, Bonnybridge A.C. 8 for 22.12lb,

Monday 17 August 2015

Fishing Report Week Ending 16 August 2015

This is it. We have summer now!! Evenings have fished the best this week. You can see the fish feeding all over the water during the night, with the warm temperatures during the day, it is no surprise. Keith Hardy was in one of the boats on Sunday night with his cousin from York. Who was not fishing, but just there to take pictures. Keith is one of the men who help sponsor the Scottish youth team and the club championships, and runs his own joinery business. I am sure you have seen him in the fishing circles. He had a great night on catch and release catching 10, with one rainbow and a stunning brown, both in the 5 to 6lb range. He was also taken to the backing a few times during his nights fishing. And yes, his lady cousin did get some great photos. You will see them on the web site. The smile from Keith tells you just how good a night he had. It was on sedges, but small. Dropping down from tens, to twelve then fourteens. And the sedges on the water are about an inch long. Work that one out. The hot spots are out from the dam, all the way along the heather banks, about 80 yards out. Lures are working but the naturals are out fishing them. The loch is full of fry at the moment and you can see the trout bashing them at times. Even right next to the jetty. Best line is floating, with naturals on or in the surface working best. We are getting a few browns making an appearance now and it is very encouraging. In one year they are putting on an average weight of 2lb. With the feeding in the loch it is not surprising that they pack on the muscle so well. The high banks was also a hot spot this week. Anglers that did well, M. Hunter 5 on c/r on sedges, S.P.R.A. had 41 and 3 c/r, S.S.E.B HQ had 21 for 50.14lb, Stuart Snedon had 9 on c/r on cdc dries, St. Peters had 19 for 43lb, Kilcreggan had 10 for 20.13lb, John O'Hara had 3 for 8.4lb and 3 c/r on sedges, D. Mc Dowell had 4 on c/r on dry sedge, M. Kelman had 4 on buzzers for 10.11lb, D. Mc Lean 6 on c/r on sedges , S. Mc Lean 6 on c/r on dry hoppers, S. Dixon 6 on driys, S. Moodie 6 on hoppers, Tilicoultry A.C. had 14 for 34lb. Evenings finish at 9.45pm now. But if you are having a great night, talk nicely to the person on duty and I am sure they wont mind you staying on a bit. They all fish too. So we know what it is like when you get that great evening rise.

Tuesday 11 August 2015

Fishing Report Week Ending 9 August 2015

Firstly let me say, well done to our Scottish Youth Team, who won the International competition by a big margin during the week. Well done to the boys, and the team. 
Evening sessions finish at 10.00pm now. Nights are closing in, so you have the chance of another permit. That permit means, you can start the evening session from 2.00pm and go on till 10.00pm. But you will need to check first, that boats are available on 07527 254811. The middle of the season can sometimes be a harder time to catch fish. It can be a feast or famine. During the week the loch fished great with good returns, then at the weekend some anglers struggled. The middle of the loch is definitely the hot spot with fish showing. Birds working the area normally means that food is coming off, and they worked the middle of the loch the hole day on Saturday. So that means the fish are there feeding also. It takes almost an hour on the drogue to drift slowly across the middle of the loch, but well worth it at the moment. The fish come from the depths and hammer the fly, then head back down again. S. Adams had 11 on c/r on Saturday doing that with a midge tip line on hoppers and sedges. During the week it was the South reedy bay and the high bank. With fab's, booby's and crunchers working well. At the weekend it was in the middle. What does that mean? You have to move about and try different methods to catch the fish. And remember, it is the middle of our summer so the fish should be looking up towards the surface for the terrestrials that will be getting blown on. Daddy's, ants and heather flies should all be making an appearance soon. Anglers that did well, George Learmonth 12 on c/r on fabs, Harry Broadley 3 for 8.5lb and 4 c/r on diawl bach's, J. Marshall 3, and 4 c/r on a bibio, J. Mason 5 on c/r on blob and fab, John Middleton 3 for 8.8lb and 1 c/r on hoppers, W. McCann 3 on c/r and one brown about between 5-6lb, D. Cameron 2 for 6lb and 8 c/r on blob, J. Duckworth 4 for 11.2lb on fab and blob's, Falkirk Fly Dressers had 23 for 47.12lb and 13 c/r, I.B.M. had15 for 37lb, A.B.C and D had 14 for 37lb on cormorants and blobs, FFDAC had 8 for 21lb.

Thursday 6 August 2015

Fishing Report Week Ending 2 August 2015

Diawl bach's, crunchers and cormorants were the best flies this week. Fab's and sedges worked also on the top. But just under the surface with a floating line or a midge tip with a slow retrieve worked best. The North reedy bay and the heather hills were the hot spots with forest bend giving up some beautiful brown trout. The browns were in such great condition that the angler put them back after taking a photo, and he was on a kill ticket, but thought they looked to good to do that. So they live another day for some one else. The weather as we all know, is so bizarre this summer. One day it blows from the West, then the South then the rain. Is there anything we can do about this summer? Yes, get out and practise. Keep a diary, and record your catches. When things get far from normal conditions, in the future. You can look back at a previous time like this, and you will know what to do! That is supposed to give you some comfort in this miserable weather. Gilmerton Fly Fishers were out on Saturday and smartly turned out in there club jackets. The photo will be on the web site. They had 15 fish for 39.7lb, Dalziel club 21 fish for 55.1lb, Stephen Burke 5 on c/r, Jim MacKie 5 for 14.7lb, G. Relini 6 on c/r on sedges, Milgavie angling club 20 for 51.1lb and 2 c/r, Matt Penman 4 for 13.1lb, George Bell 3 for 7.7lb and 2 c/r, Robert Paton 3 for 8.3lb and 2 c/r, A. Ritchmond 3 for 9.5lb and 2c/r, George Learmonth 9 on c/r, John Middleton 3 for 8lb and 3 c/r, D. Patterson 4 on c/r. Two of this years Scottish youth team members were out practising ahead of the International this week. Marco Ezzie and Alasdair Anderson. They both had 4 each on c/r. The Scottish youth team is very strong this year and in very good hands. I wish them great success in the competition.

Wednesday 29 July 2015

Fishing Report Week Ending 26 July 2015

The water is in great condition, full and crystal clear. Sedges are still in abundance at the moment and are about an inch long. They are getting blown about in all directions, as the wind cant make it's mind up, and blow in the same direction for more than two days in a row. We are still occasionally getting a east wind during this summer. I also don't think we will get a hose pipe ban this year. Any way back to the fishing. School bay and about 80 yards out from the heather hills were good spots this week, with good steady catches coming from both. Methods varied from sedges to cormorants and damsel's. They all caught fish and in different areas. The weather is changing conditions almost daily, and that affects the trout diet. Hatches and rises don't seem to be planed this year, as no two days are the same. Lets hope for more settled weather everywhere. Anglers that did well this week, Heriots 6 for 13.9lb and 42c/r, D. McDowell 3 for 9lb, J. Sneddon 3 for 7.12lb, J. O'Hara 3 for 7.4lb, J. Middleton 3 for 7.11lb, S. Montgomery 3 for 6.13lb, L. Taylor 3 for 7.4lb and 6 c/r, D. Frater 3 on c/r, G. Fisher 4 for 16.4lb, K. MacMillan 3 for 6.12lb, J. O'Hara was back again with 3 for 9.12lb and 1 c/r and a cracking brown, I. Mc Clean 3 for 11.4lb one was 5.14lb, J. Kettles 5 for 10.4lb, St. Mungos Angling Club 10 for 23.7lb and 1 c/r, Rainbow Warriors 30 for 62lb, J. Epp 4 for 10.3lb, Bridge of Weir 10 for 25.2lb. Evenings finish at 10.30pm now.

Tuesday 21 July 2015

Fishing Report Week Ending 19 July 2015

It is still top of the water sport with floating lines. Daddy's, sedges and yellow owl's out performing everything else. School bay and the heather hills were the best spots, with the high banks a very close second. Drifting was the best method used this week, covering more water and fish. The fish are well spread out. It is the height of our summer at the moment, so the trout should be looking up to see what is hatching of the surface for an easy meal, or to see what is being blown on to the surface, again for an easy meal. Some stunning big fish are making an appearance at this time, and they will check your knots and tackle to the max, if you hook one. Some anglers opted for the anchor this week, using the washing line method of a fab or booby on the point, with diawl bach's or crunchers. They did okay, but not as good as the boys on the dry. Well done to First Bannockburn on Sunday. They were out fishing, as well as putting on a charity day for Strathcaron Hospice. It was one of their ways to say thank you, to the hospice for looking after Charlie Horne. One of their members who sadly passed away earlier this year. They managed to raise £650.00 on the day for the hospice. Well done to everyone who helped run and organize the event. kyle from the club was the top angler on the day, and so, picked up the first place trophy and a cheque for £100.00 that was donated from Charlie's wife. Kyle said "thank you", then immediately handed the money back to go into the hospice funds also. Who said our local bus drivers don't have a caring soft side. Well done boys. 
On Saturday day session we cancelled the boats for safety, as the wind was to gust up to speeds of 47mph. The evening boats were still on as the wind had died down. The boys that fished the evening had a good night on dries. McIntosh 5 on c/r on sedges, McGill 4 on c/r on sedges, Livingstone 4 on c/r on cruncher, comorant and sedge, S. Robertson 9 on c/r on washing line, using booby and buzzer method. Other anglers that did well, J. O'Hara 3 for 6.11lb, First Bannockburn 12 for 27.8lb, W. McSpadgen 3 for 105lb and 1 c/r on sedge, Anglers Attick 8 on c/r on sedges, J. Sneddon 3 for 6.10 and 3 c/r, J. O'Hara was back again catching 3 this time for 9.3lb and 8 c/r, M Peeney 5 on c/r, J. Kerr 3 for 6.4lb and 1 c/r. The evening finish time is now 10.30pm. The water is in great condition, crystal clear and full to the brim.

Tuesday 14 July 2015

Fishing Report Week Ending 12 July 2015

The loch is covered in sedges and mayfly at the moment. Then it got even better. The big trout are hitting the perch fry. The swifts, black headed gulls and terin's have been working the water all week. The natural feeding moving and coming off the water, at the moment is astonishing. The fish are on the feed. Anglers who spooned their fish found bellies full of mayfly and sedges. Some of the big fish were hooked but lost, and that is on 13lb nylon. The fish are loving this natural food source that is abundant at the moment. which means they are putting on weight and muscle. Great news for us anglers. Regular senior angler John O'Hara was back this week after a week of with a bad back. He did an evening session on Sunday night and said he had to stop fishing and move position as he caught and released over 20 fish on a red sedge. Some were crackers. Hot spots this week were, School bay and the high banks. Anglers using the washing line method, with green/olive crunchers, cormorants or diawl bach's did very well. The fish are at the top of the water. Gartcosh angling club were out on Saturday, and 4 of there boats were back in the lodge by lunch time finished, fishing in School bay. So had time so socialise. 10 out of 10 for that. The water is crystal clear so we advise you to stay seated in the boats. Standing up means the fish can see you. It may put them off. Anglers that did well this week, A. Anderson 4 on c/r on buzzers, G. Mooney 3 for 9.6lb on dries, Findlay Mc Donald 3 for 10.3lb, Camp and Camp 3 on c/r one about 6lb, R. Kennedy 3 on c/r on G&H sedge, S. Gordon3 for 10.5lb on yellow owl, Gartcosh Angling club 44 for 90lb, Grangemouth Fly Fishing 16 for 43lb and 3 c/r, Falkirk Municipal 19 for 43.12lb, Barry's Angling Club 7 for 15.9lb.
This Sunday organized by Davy Symon. the Bannockburn fly fishers have an outing at the Loch. Also it is in memory of Charlie Horne, his brother in law who passed away recently and was a member of the club. Charlie's sister is coming up and is putting on a barbeque free for all who want it. Davy has approached various tackle shops in the area and has had donations of various items for this Sunday. Drop in a prize if you want. There will be a auction/raffle with the proceeds going to Strathcarron hospice, as a thank you, for all that they did for Charlie while he was in their care. Some boats are still available, but if you don't want to fish, please come up and support Davy and his wife and buy a raffle ticket for a great cause, or just to show your appreciation to" The Wee man."

Tuesday 7 July 2015

Fishing Report Week Ending 5 July 2015

The weather again is a hot topic this week. As we know a big change in atmospheric pressure does not help when fishing, The trout don't like it. So the thunder and lightning at the weekend and the huge change in atmospheric pressure that it causes makes anglers work hard for there fish. The middle of the loch fished the best this week with small traditional flies like bibio's, wingless wickhams, soldier palmer and ke-he. Fished the traditional wet fly style. A steady retrieve on a slow sinking line. Booby and cormorants also did well as did big sedge patterns. Anglers who did well this week, Anglers attic 8 fish for 21.11lb on sedge and candy booby, John O Hara 3 for 11.10lb on a sedge, then back again with 3 for 9.4lb and 4 c/r on sedge again, John Kerr 3 for 9.4lb and 1 c/r, Longannet A.C. 9 for 25.9lb, Priory angling club 15 for 42lb and 1 c/r, Luggiebank Fly Dressers 11 for 31.3lb. Evening sessions are still on till 11.00pm 7 days a week. The fish this week are coming on Friday from Ae fishery in Dumfries. This is the company who we get the blues from. It is rainbows they are stocking this time. Let us know what you think about them. But you have to catch them first. Contact Alex on 07527 254811 for bookings and boat availability.

Friday 3 July 2015

Fishing Report Week Ending 28 June 2015

** NB - Sorry for the late report - technology is great when it works properly!! **

It was a week for the big fish. It started with one at 6lb then two at 7lb then one at 8lb. The trout are on the sedges and the big fish are scooping them up in numbers. Up still Saturday the weather was settled and the fishing was constant. Then on Sunday it got colder the wind done a complete u turn and changed conditions again. With much more warmer and settled weather forecast it should make for good fishing or sun bathing if the forecast is correct. Again right along the high banks was the hot spot fishing close to the lilly's. The washing line method of a fab or booby on point then buzzers, or diawl bachs had the best results. During the evening session the top of water fished well with sedge imitations and hares ear hopper's fished dry working well. Good catches this week went to John O'Hara with 3 for 7.6lb on a yellow owl and 4 c/r, G. Fisher 4 for 14.6lb, Harry Broadley 3 for 13.10lb and 3 c/r on cormorants, John O'Hara was back again on a three fish ticket catching 3 for 10.12lb, M. Kershaw senior 6 on c/r on doobri, M. Kershaw junior 6 on buzzers, David Symon 3 on c/r on cormorants, G. Steele 5 for 14.9lb on candy and buzzers and 1 c/r, S. Gordon 5 for 14.2lb on yellow owl, B Taylor 5 on c/r on pheasant tail/cruncher, Falkirk Fly Dressers 31 fish for 88.2lb and 5 c/r, Bill Braitwait4 for 9.10lb and 4 c/r on a damsel. Evening sessions are still on till 11.00pm. Please remember to put on sun protection as the forecast is for sun.

Monday 22 June 2015

Fishing Report Week Ending 21 June 2015

Last week it was about the dry fly. Guess what, the weather got colder and the wind picked up. Where is the summer. As we move on to the longest night looking forward to that evening rise, mother nature lets us know who is control, and changes things. Dries and green buzzers still caught fish last week but lures on sink tip lines caught more. Or just more anglers fished that way. The two reedy bays and the heather hills fished well, with the average trout weight 2.8lb this week. The big sedges are back and are about an inch long, so that should be good for some top of the water action. Anglers that did well this week J. Mason 3 on a yellow owl, J. Rankin 3 for 9.6lb and 5 c/r on buzzers, B. Girvan 3 for 10.7lb on buzzers and snatchers, J. Ross 7 on c/r on blobs, D. Patterson 4 on cat booby, J. O'Hara 3 for 9.2lb and 5 c/r on buzzers and hot head damsel, W. Tomlin 4 on cdc on c/r, G. McInley 4 on c/r on cdc and buzzers, T. Balfour 7 on c/r on diawl bachs, I. Balfour 5 on c/r on diawl bach and crunchers,T. Boyle 3 for 9lb on dry daddy, D. McDowell 3 for 9lb on dry black spider, S. Kelly 5 for 11.14lb on a yellow owl, D.Wright 9 on c/r on a fab, K. Hardie 6 on c/r on dries and J. O'Hara was back again with 3 for 9.2lb on a green damsel, S. Burke 5 on c/r on sunburst fab. The weather forecast is predicting a more settled week ahead of us. That should be good for the fishing, and as it should be for this time of year. So contact Alex on 07527 254811 for up to date information on the fishing, bookings or just pop up for a tea or coffee and some short bread.

Tuesday 16 June 2015

Fishing Report Week Ending 14 June 2015

Buzzers are on, the sedges are on. With the right conditions, it is a fly fishers dream at the moment with top of the water sport. The warmer weather has made the loch visually pleasing, as trout can be seen cruising about taking the naturals of and in the waters surface. With the naturals being trapped longer in the surface film during the warm weather and no wind. It makes for easy picking for the trout, as the food stays much longer before it flies away. We should all be out know enjoying the pure pleasure of Dry fly fishing. It can be frustrating, but there surely is no better prize in fly fishing than watching a trout roll over your dry, then that pause that seems like a life time, Then it all goes tight, your in. Anyway I move on. The loch fished well this week with good catches going to k. Hardie 7 on c/r buzzers and cdc, A. Ballantyne 5 for 14.7lb and 3 c/r on yellow owl cdc, A. McCann 6 on yellow owl, J. Cairns 5 on c/r on buzzers, SPRA west 35 for 90.14lb and 2 c/r, Heriot A.C. 4 for 10.4lb and 18 c/r, S. Sneddon 4 on c/r on cdc dries, J. Swan 4 for 10.7lb on a dancer, J. Middleton 3 for 7.9lb on diawl bach. From the dam all the way along the heather banks to the school is holding a lot of fish at the moment and floating line with black buzzers or dries like sedges or yellow owl is working great. If the weather stays the same it should not change much, but that may be a lot to ask for this summer. Evening sessions finish at 11.00pm now. Contact Alex on 07527 254811 for bookings or daily fishing information..

Tuesday 9 June 2015

Fishing Report Week Ending 7 June 2015

We are now going to get some settled weather at last. The strong winds of last week are thankfully gone for now. With the warmer weather the fish are now taking a small green midge steadily of the top of the water. No splashy rises, just a gentle head and tail scooping them up. The buzzers are on also, with the fish feeding well this week on them. Up to now with the bizarre weather, it was hard to say what was catching, as the weather kept changing the feeding habits and where the fish were, from one day to the next. Last week it was a lures and wets that did well, but patterns that imitate the natural food source should start to out fish them. The two reedy bays and the heather hills were the best spots with a intermediate line working well. But that should change to a floating line for this week. Anglers that did well, I. Carr 3 for 7.14lb and 2 c/r, G. Learmouth 3 for 8.13 on a fab and 2 c/r, Rab Thomson 3 for 8.5lb and 8 c/r, John Marshall 2 for 7.10lb and 3 c/r, J. O'Hara 3 for 8lb with a lovely brown of 3lb, K.Hardie 6 on c/r on cdc and buzzers, W. McCann and J. Cairns 6 on buzzers, K. Wood 5 for 12.7lb on cormorants and 4 c/r, R. Hunter 5 for9.6lb on cormorants, R. Hunter 5 for 12.14lb, Fire Service 7/13 20 fish for 48.9lb and 12c/r, Ronnie Glass 5 for 14.2lb on cormorants, J. Dryden 5 for 15lb, D. Halliday 5 for 13lb. Evening sessions are now on till 10.45pm.

Tuesday 2 June 2015

Fishing Report Week Ending 31 May 2015

As I write this on Monday, the first of June. The wind is blowing wheely bins down the street, it is cold and raining, and the wife has put the central heating on. It is the official start to summer today, and it is like a bad day in March. Where has the good weather gone. Look how far behind the crops are in the farmers fields. Anyway it is the fishing I should be talking about. On the days that anglers were out, the Loch fished well. The dam area all along the heather banks was holding a lot of fish and the two reedy bays fished well also. Lines and flies varied so much this week. That is was anything from a ghost tip to a Di-3. Hot head damsels and cats whiskers, Aly McCoist and buzzers all caught fish. Don't look at your last years diary if you have one to see what was catching at this time last year. Go back to March and it might be the same. Clubs and individuals that did well this week, Carluke Angling club 38 for 102lb, D. Payton 3 for 8.15 on buzzers, C. Kilgour 4 for 11.5lb on fabs, J. O,Hara 3 on crunchers for 9lb and 3 c/r, M. Ritchie 4 on hares lug on c/r, M. Bruce 3 on buzzer on c/r, West Lothian Fly Dressers 18 for 45.8lb. Evening sessions finish at 10.30 now.

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Fishing Report Week Ending 24 May 2015

We will start with the weather again. The rain has stopped but the wind just keeps on blowing. One regular O.A.P. angler John O'Hara was top man this week with his usual 3 fish caught for 9.6lb on his 3 fish limit and then went on to c/r another 18 on a hot head damsel. He certainly had a red letter day. The weather is so unpredictable that it is hard to give exact hot spots that are consistent at the moment. The dam and school bay and the heather banks had the best bags but with different flies and at different depths. Lures worked on Di-3 lines some days, then the floating line and dries worked the next. The sedges have started to appear, but not the inch in size ones yet, but it wont be long. That is a great time for the whole of the high bank area as it comes alive when the sedges are on, and it holds the fish for that reason. Black and green is still a good colour at the moment. Either on lures or buzzers. Lots of fish in the 4lb mark being caught at the moment, with a few anglers hooking, seeing, and playing, but not landing big fish. The fish grow quickly and put on muscle quickly in the water and wont give up their life easily. Other anglers that done well this week, J. Sneddon 3 for 8.11lb and 2 c/r, McGilvray 5 and 1 c/r on buzzer, booby and diawl bach, Lochinch angling club 16 for 49.12lb and 13 c/r, McDonald 3 for 9lb and 1 c/r, regulars W. McCann and J. Cairns had 5 and 1, Rab Thomson had 14 on c/r on an evening session, Penicuik angling club 22 for 65.10lb and 2 c/r, Grizzlecats 18 for 51.2lb and 15 c/r, St. Peters 27 for 78lb, Bothwell and Blantyre angling club 25 for 69lb. Lets hope for some proper summer weather and great evening rises. The type we long to fish in. Evening sessions finish at 22.00 this week, but will finish at 22.30 from next week. going on till 23.00 as it gets lighter for longer. We will be doing an all nighter this year, possibly two. Keep checking the web for details as we have not finalised the date yet. Alex is back after his wife's accident and looking forward to see you all again. Give him a phone on 07527 254811 or pop up and see him and go fishing.

Monday 18 May 2015

Fishery Report Week Ending 17 May 2015

The weather is certainly a hot topic of conversation at the moment. Summer has vanished, it has got cold, wet and windy. What happened to the good weather we got during the Easter school break. The changeable weather means the fishing tactics change almost every day. There is no consistency in the way the trout are feeding at the moment and at what depth they are at. The water is still cold and it is the middle of May. Where did the summer go. The buzzers are on, then the buzzers are off, and lures are working. What do you try. But then again that is fishing in Scotland, and that is why we are good at it. We can adapt our styles, as long as our waterproofs hold out.

The two reedy bays, high bank and school bay fished well, with the middle of the water not been fished much because of the bad weather. It was mixed flies from buzzers to lures, with the black and green combination doing the most damage. Anglers and clubs that did well were, Stuart Sneddon 6 on buzzers, Townhill club 34 for78lb, Rainbow A.C. 17 for 48lb, ABC & D 24 for 63.11lb. Lets hope for some settled weather so we can all get out and enjoy the fishing, not just survive it. As the evenings stretch out a bit, the evening finishing time is 9.45pm now and that gets later by about 15 minutes every week. We will keep you posted, or you can phone 07527 254811 for up to date information.

*** CATCH UPDATE from Wellington A.C:
Wellington A.C- 38 fish for 91lbs (if my counting is correct). Best boat:Stuart strachan-5 fish for 12lb 9oz( 4 released) Brian strachan -5 fish for 12lbs 5oz( 4 released).

Tuesday 12 May 2015

Fishery Report Week Ending 10 May 2015

It was a great weeks fishing with one angler Jim Donnelly catching 17 on c/r on buzzers and diawl bachs. The fish are on the buzzer at the moment with black and green doing the business. The loch fished well all week, then on Sunday the wind picked up and changed conditions again. The loch fished well all over, but the dam area became the hot spot. The fish are still only three to five feet down during the day and are starting on the dries during the evening sessions. Evening times finish at 9.15 but that will get later every week. anglers who done well this week, David Grierson 5 on a blob on c/r, Ian Carr 5 for 13lb, Ian Paul 6 on damsels, J. Walker 8 on buzzers, M. Ward 6 on various, Bank of Scotland East 41 fish for 106lb, IBM 41 fish for 100lb, Falkirk Municipal 9 for 25lb, Pentland Civil service 26 for 62lb, Peter Thomson 7 on wingless wickhams, S. Hamilton 5 for 13.5ln and 2 c/r, Falkirk F.C. 23 for 57lb, C and S Sneddon 15 on c/r on black and green hotheads

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Fishery Report Week Ending 3 May 2015

Another good weeks fishing at the Loch. Even the cold weather could not stop some great catches this week. The hot spot was right along the high bank, tight to the Lilly's. Casting a very slow sinking line with a black and green lure was working great over there. School bay was also holding a lot of fish and lures seemed to be the preferred method there also. The Paisley Patterns had a good day with 6 rods and 42 fish. Robert Lamb with the best catch of 13. Cowdenbeath angling club had 18, Bonnybridge 26, David Wilson and David Frater had a good day with 7 each on c/r on blobs, Ally McCoist and hairs ear, A. Mc Gregor had 5 for 12.13 and went on to c/r another 3. The evening seasons have started and Rab Thomson had the best evening bag with 13 on c/r on a orange fab.

Tuesday 28 April 2015

Fishery Report Week Ending 26 April 2015

Conditions changed this week, with the mercury dropping and the wind cant make it's mind up. The fish have went of the shrimp now and are taking a small black midge. Anglers who spooned there fish found this out and had good days fishing. We would always recommend spooning your first fish. It gives you a better chance to see what is on the trout's diet. You cant spoon a fish on catch and release that is to be returned. The dam and school bay fished well this week with the choice of line an intermediate. Booby's, fab's, crunchers and hair's ear all done well this week. Regular Peter Thomson started the week with 5 on c/r and loosing a trout in double figures at the net after two runs that seen him taking to the backing twice. He was well pleased. The O.A. P. ticket during the week of 3 fish is popular with anglers catching there 3 fish and then drinking coffee. Regular J. Middleton is one with 3 for 7.8lb and 1 c/r, Paul Mears 5 on c/r, Bothwell and Blantyre club 43 for 117.13lb with Laurie Taylor having the biggest fish at 7.6lb, Bridge Inn club 9 for 22.9lb, S. Moodie 6 on c/r. Evening's start this week on Thursday and we are open till dusk.

Tuesday 21 April 2015

Fishery Report Week Ending 19 April 2015

Another great week at the loch with plenty of fish being caught. Both reedy bays were holding a lot of fish with anglers having one drift through it and catching there limit. Having only done one drift and bagged up some went looking in different areas for fish and found the high banks just of the Lilly's to also be a hot spot. Booby's, black and green fritz, dennis the menace buzzers and damsel were all working with hoppers fished dry also catching. Most of the fish were in the top four feet of water, but Sunday saw them go deeper, with a sinking line working best. Most of the 1314 angling club were finished by ten in the morning having a great day with 30 fish for 79lb and returning as many. ABC and d fishing club 42 for 109lb and  30 c/r, Stuart Allan 5 for 11.6lb and 4 c/r, Jim Black 5 for 12.14lb,Billy McGranaghan 10 on nymphs on c/r, Fred Paddon 9 on diawl bachs on c/r, George Bell 3 for 7.3lb and 3 c/r, C. Smith 5 for 15.5lb and 1 c/r, D. Smith 5 for 13.5lb and 2 c/r, George Learmonth 3 for 7.3lb and 7 c/r, L.D.C. 47 for 127lb, St mungos 23 for 52.8lb and 13c/r. The trout masters competition was held on Thursday and we are please to say that Paul Clarke won the heat with  5 for 16.11lb and  6 c/r and also junior Marco Ezzie qualified to fish the final down south this year. Well done to everyone who took part. contact the loch on 07527 254811 for bookins or details of the 2015 competition..

Wednesday 15 April 2015

Fishery Report Week Ending 12 April 2015

The Loch fished great during the week. Fresh water shrimp are on the menu for the trout, and the trout are scooping them up in numbers. The fish are loving this natural food source. So are the anglers, with some great bags. This week we had some stunning Browns at 5lb and also a double figure Rainbow. This is great news for us as we don't stock anything over 3lb. So it shows, just how good the feeding in the water is. The weather changed at the weekend, it got cold, wet and even some hail stones. So it meant fishing conditions changed. The fish went deeper with Di3 line being the best line at the weekend, and lures were working as the trout went of the shrimp during the cold weather. Booby, orange fritz, Hot head damsel and cormorants worked well during the cold spell with the hot spots being both reedy bays and school bay. We were also privileged to host a fund raiser organized by David Ezzie for The Scottish National Youth Team on Sunday and are pleased to say it was the boys who caught the stunning brown and the double figure rainbow. Well done to everyone who made this a great event and also in raising over £500 for the youth team.Anglers who did well this week. Top man was G. McGinley 19 on c/r on crunchers, D. Morrison 5 for 13.10, G. Ferguson 4 for 10.10 on orange lures, M. edge 8 on c/r on a fab, I. Skilling 6 on c/r on a fab, Ian Glasford 4 on c/r, Harry Broadley 3 for 8.5lb and 3 c/r on Ally McCoist,  John O'Hara 6 on c/r on nymphs, R. Esouierdo 4 for12lb on a yellow dancer, G. Steele 5 for 22.8lb, B. McGranigan 6on c/r on March browns, T. Ramsay 5 for 15.5lb and 2 c/r, w. Cran 5 for 13.12lb on boobys,T. Sutherland5 for 13.3lb on damsel, R. Sutherland 4 for 11.12lb on boobys, G. Brown 4 for 11.1lb an a white cat, Eddie Eyan 5 for 13.10lb and 1 c/r, Bank of Scotland West 10 for 25lb, Luggiebank 21 for 51lb, Ian Dobbie 10 on c/r on black buzzer, Scottish youths 22 who beat the adults with 20. Contact George at the Loch 075270254811 for bookings. The weather is looking good for the weekend, so lets get fishing. 

Fishery Report Week Ending 5 April 2015

The weather is getting warmer, buzzers are moving and the fish are feeding well on them. The water is losing the winter chill and that means the trout will become more active and more likely to be moving about freely looking for food, using more energy, and then needing more food. Anglers had some great bags of fish this week, with lots of fish between the four to seven pound range being caught. Again quality trout, tails like shovels, fighting hard for there lives. The shallower water is still best at the moment, with a cast along or in to the bank a must. School bay was holding fish right across the full bay. Cormorants, pearly and black and green did well, as did cats whisker and nomads, but black buzzer was King. The best catch this week was J. McDonald with 12 on c/r, other anglers who done well, G. Hardy 8 on c/r, Stuart Hamilton 5 for 16lb and 5 c/r, Glen MacKie 5 on c/r, Thomas MacKie 9 on c/r, Gus Shepherd 6 on c/r, R. Thomson 7 on c/r, D. Patterson 5 for 18.6lb and 3 c/r, D. Savage 3 for 8.14lb and 2 c/r, Barry's angling club 17 for 43lb and 5 c/r.

Fishery Report Week Ending 29 March 2015

Two regulars were the top anglers this week, with the pairing of D. Welsh and B. McGranaghan catching 16 on catch and release, using booby's and cormorants. The hot spot is still North reedy bay right down to forest bend and close in. Blues are showing up regularly in the returns also. You know when you have one on. They fight hard when you hook one. We cancelled the boats on Saturday due to the high winds as it was only safe and fare for the anglers, especially for the anglers that have to travel far. The weather is to be more settled by the weekend, so lets hope that April starts with some fine weather so we can all enjoy our fishing, and for the gales to stop blowing. More anglers than ever do catch and release now, so you don't always get to find out what the fish are eating as you are not spooning them. So we cant always report on their diet.

Fishery Report Week Ending 22 March 2015

The Loch fished well all week, with some anglers in double figures. The over wintered fish that are coming off are stunning. Bar's of silver with tails like shovels. A lot of blues were also in the catch return this week. As the wind was constant till Saturday the best drift was from the North reedy bay right down past forest bend and in to the school bay. With much warmer weather the fish are not deep down and a midge tip line was all that was needed. They were being caught on buzzers, diawl bach's, hot head damsels and dry's. Quite a difference in the fly choice you might say. The fish were feeding well for the anglers. On Sunday we had the SANACC fund raiser. The wind did a complete u turn on the day, blew hard and got cold. The team still did well with 66 caught and two anglers sharing first prize with 8 fish each. Other anglers that did well this week, P. Stenhouse 4 on a orange fritz, I. Dobbie 12 on buzzers, D. Patterson 6, D. Frater 6 on a damsel, J. Riddicks 5 on a damsel, I Riddicks 4 on a damsel, C. Taylor 4 on diawl bach's, J. Anderson 4 on a blood worm, Willy Munn 15 on diawls, blob and blood worm.

Fishery Report week ending 15 March 2015

Well the season started officially on Sunday and the weather was kind for the anglers who shrugged of the cobwebs and got the fly rods working again. Almost every angler had fish with local man Peter Thomson(Falkirk) having the best catch, with most of the fish between three to five pound in weight and only one was a stocky! He was fishing from the dam drifting right across the water and catching on crunchers on a midge tip line. The fish are in stunning condition, fins like shovels, full of muscle, and hard fighting. Our weekly stocking has started with the first stocking being all blues. There were only a couple of them caught, with the resident rainbows showing more. This season I am sure some angler will catch a trophy trout of a life time from the loch. One you would want in a glass display and never get tired of looking at.
This Sunday is the fishing fund raiser for the Scottish national team. So if you want to come and meet some of the team, buy a raffle ticket or take part in the auction. It is this week. Please support our National team, they are the best competitive anglers in the country at the moment, and the ones who will represent us this year in fly fishing. Come on Scotland. Contact George on 07527 254811 for information, or for bookings, or check the web site for details. As the season has only just started there is not much to report at the moment, but we hope to see you soon at the water.