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Thursday 6 July 2017

Fishing report week ending 2 July 2017

The winners of the Sierra pairs competition at the Loch are, Alan Martin and Marco Ezzi. They had there limit by one o`clock and held on to the biggest bag of the day. They qualify for the final along with second, third and fourth placed pairs from the day. Anglers had done there homework on the Loch for the days leading up to the competition. So well done to the qualifiers. Yellow sedgehogs fished dry or hoppers or crunchers pulled slowly on a ghost tip line were the best methods this week. Close behind was candy booby or a fab on the point, on a midge tip line with two diawl bachs. Local man David Paterson had 20 on c/r doing just that. The anglers that were out practicing for the sierra pairs did not want to put anything in the catch report. As competition anglers do not want to give away the information that they have worked to get. It is safe to say that on Saturday many anglers had over 20 fish on c/r. Anglers that did well and are in the catch returns I. Crighton 5 for 11.12lb and 8 on c/r on sedgehog, J. Stuart 5 for 10.5lb and 8 on c/r on sedgehog also, E. Brophy 15 on shipmans buzzer on c/r, T. Cherrie 5 for 10.13lb and 1 on c/r on muddler, C. Sumerville 5 for 10.10lb and 2 on c/r on black buzzer, Paul Clarke 5 for 10.9lb. Luggiebank 12 for26lb and 2 on c/r.

It is very sad news that fellow angler Neil Mitchell, a member of SPRA Fly Fishing Section passed away on Tuesday morning at the Loch. Our thoughts and deepest sympathy go out to his family and friends at this sad time. 

Scott Adams

Tuesday 4 July 2017

Fishing Report Week Ending 25 June 2017

Outstanding and well done. A huge thank you must go to every angler who fished at the Scottish youth team fund raiser on Sunday. Also everyone who donated prizes. It was a great effort from everyone, and one we are very privileged to be a part off. A total of £1192.00 was raised for the team. So well done to all for supporting our Scottish team. It was not great fishing conditions due to the weather on Sunday, but that did not slow down top rod on the day, Billy McGranagan who caught 9 and won a rod. The best youth was Connaire Diver with 7. He also won a rod.
Good catches this week Anderson 5 for 13.2lb on cormorants, A. Smith 8 on c/r on Portmore Devil, E. Neil 6 on diawl bachs, Gary McGinley 15 on dries, McBride and Shaw 10 on c/r on dries, Sam Montgomery 12 on dries, Bibios 12 on c/r. The  hot spots are both reedy bays, Forest bend and the high banks. A ghost tip line with hoppers pulled wet, or cormorants fished in the top 12 inches were the most consistent last week. The water is gin clear and in great condition. Stocking weekly.
This Sunday is our first ever Sierra pairs competition at the Loch. There are still 4 boats available for the day. Do you fancy a try at competition fishing with the chance of winning great prizes. Details can be found on the web site. Please phone to get booked in. You can leave it to the last minute, but Phil who runs the competition needs to know how many packs he needs to bring. The anglers who have entered are sure to have a great day with there partner in the boat. Look for next weeks report to see who won on the day.
Tight lines to all. 

Tuesday 20 June 2017

Fishing Report Week Ending 18 June 2017

Husband and wife team of Johny and Nicky Ross were the top rods this week with 20 on c/r fishing Nikkis cormorant. Close behind were Gary McGinley and Pelini with 18 on c/r on dries and sedges. Fire service had 29 for 64.3lb and 12 on c/r, A. Ballantye 5 on c/r on yellow owl, Stuart sneddon 11 on c/r on cdc and buzzer, James Marshall 5 for 11lb, on cdc, sedgehog and olive dabbler, N. Muir 5 for 10.10lb. Best area was the high bank and best line was a floater. Cormorants and sedges are getting the best bags. With warmer weather this week the sedges and mayfly are in abundance. The trout can be seen all over the Loch gorging on them.

Sunday is our fundraiser for the Scottish youth team. We still have a couple of boats left for the day. A big thank you must go to David Ezzi for organizing the event. There will be a auction and raffle at the end for various fishing items including a rod, Hardys reel, fly line etc. Please come along and support your Scottish youth team. Any donations or prizes will be greatly accepted for the event. A lunch will be provided for all the anglers in the boats. The raffle and auction will be held about 4.30pm at the end of the fishing.

Next weekend is the Sierra pairs competition with great prizes. This is a first for the Loch. Get booked in and enjoy a great day with a great goody bag just for entering. You can leave it to the last minute, but we need to know, so Phil can bring enough goody bags with him.

The Loch is in great condition for fishing and we continue to stock weekly.

Fishing Report Week Ending 11 June 2017

Even with all the rain the Loch is fishing great. The water is gin clear and the fish are on the naturals. This is the time of the year when fly fishers put on the floating line and really enjoy fishing. There is nothing more enjoyable than casting a dry fly in front of a feeding trout, then watch it take your dry and you are in. Then let battle commence. Sedges are on the water in numbers. They are about a inch long and the trout can be seen mopping them up. Also the adult damsels are hatching now. They are beautiful and plentiful to the trout. They can be seen hatching around the edges from the weed beds. A stealthy approach in the boat works best in the summer, and please keep seated. Anglers standing and moving about in boats may put of the educated trout in that fishing area. So it was a tale of two opposites last week. Yellow owl dries or sedges on a floating line, or a slow sinking line with a inch long damsel. Both caught as many fish as the other. Black hoppers are starting to take good numbers of fish now. Pulled slowly on a midge tip line. Hot spot at the moment is all the way along the high bank.

This Saturday is our through the night session. We forgot that the International football was on. So we understand that there might be some hangovers and not many fishing. We shall find out. Please phone up the Loch and get booked in.

Only three weeks to go for the Sierra pairs competition at the loch. Please fill in the form on the web site for the Sierra pairs and get the Black Loch date filled in.

Anglers that did well, Paisley Patterns 30 for 64lb and 3 c/r, J. Ferrier 5 for 10.14lb, G. McGinley 6 on c/r, D. Bowie 10 on c/r, A. Veith 5 for 10.2lb and 2 on c/r.

Fishing Report Week Ending 4 June 2017

Top rod this week was Jim McBride with 22 on dries on c/r closely followed by D. Tyrie with 17 on c/r on dries. Heriots had a good evening with 2 for 9.8lb and 44 on c/r, TRC had 25 for 86.7lb and 22 on c/r, Chris Stoneley had 3 for 7.3lb and 10 on c/r on dries, Gary McInley and G. Pelini had 14 on c/r on dries, G. Bruce and A. MacRitchie 6 on c/r on dries, Pencaitland 40 for 85.6lb. David Fraiter had a good 3 fish permit with a stunning 6lb fin perfect torpedo of a rainbow on his day at the water. The picture will be on the web site soon. Even with all the rain the Loch is gin clear and fishing great. As you will notice from the returns, the big numbers are coming to the dries. Orange blobs had a good week also on a slow sinking line. The Loch is fishing well at the moment. The hot spots are all over. Boats on the drift, are doing bigger numbers than boats at anchor. Last week rod average was 4.1 and average weight was 2.2lb. We are looking forward to the Sierra pairs competition in a few weeks and also the float tube evening. Get the tubes dusted down and have a great evening on the Loch with other tubes! Remember to phone up and get booked in. 07527 254811. Boats are available for this weekend, so phone up and get booked in.

Tuesday 6 June 2017

Fishing Report Week Ending 28 May 2017

The weather was hot and so was the fishing. Top of the water sport is fantastic at the moment. Anglers on a floating line with traditional flies, caught far more trout than anglers on any sinking line and lures. Nature has provided an abundant food source for the trout in the water. So in the summer when the trout are switched on to the natural food larder, we need to imitate that. Lures will catch fish, but at the moment you will be out fished by your partner in the boat on traditionals. We stock weekly and the fish are in great condition. This week we have a lot of fish in the 4lb to 6lb range coming. The big brown trout was hooked twice last week. We reckon it is about 12 to 14lb in size. it is swimming about with what looks like a yellow damsel in its mouth. Two separate anglers hooked it and played it and seen it, but could not bring it finally to the net. Both got snapped and they seen the fly in its mouth. Now it has more in it, till they fall out. This will be the fish of a lifetime for one lucky angler. Evening sessions finish at 10.30pm for the moment and are well worth a try, as the trout love to feed in the grey dark. Anglers and clubs that did well this week, Dunfermline Railway 30 for 62.10lb and 17 c/r, Falkirk Fly dressers 16 for 35.8lb, Penicuik A.C. 33 for 64.6lb and 20 on c/r, Keir Hardie 5 on buzzers, R. Thomson 5 for 10.7lb and 5 on c/r on buzzers, S. Thomson 5 and 5 on c/r, s. Mclean 10+ on c/r on dries, c. Stephens 10+ on dries on c/r, John Milne 11 on c/r on fabs, Western A.c. 6 for 13.4lb and 65 on c/r.

Sierra pairs competition is just five weeks away. Please fill in the entry form on the web site and get yourself in the mix for the chance of winning some of the best prizes in trout fishing.

Fishing Report Week Ending 21 May 2017

The big Sedge is here. They have arrived in big numbers again this year and with the hot weather they are big already. They are about an inch long and the normal molted brown colour. The evening sessions are having great sport on the dry. With the hot weather during the day. The water erupts in the evening with trout all over the Loch feeding. You feel like you could walk across the water on the back of them. There is that many feeding on the surface. Evening sessions finish at 10.30pm for now. That will get later as the nights get longer.

Remember your sun cream and water. You can get cooked in a boat without knowing it, until you come in off the boats with the panda eyes. Look after yourself with plenty of fluids, and sun cream.

Alan Martin caught some stunning fish this week, and the bibios for the kids had a good evening on Tuesday with two brown trout caught. One about six pound and one about eight pound. All safely returned. The pictures will be on the web soon. Well done to the youngsters.

Even during the day with the hot weather the Loch has fished great, with good numbers being caught. Both reedy bays and the heather hills were the hot spots. Floating line and dry. Yellow owl and sedge being the best.

Good returns this week, Edinburgh Walton 26 for 56.11lb and 15 c/r, M. McNaughton 12 on c/r on dries, T. McMillan 11 on c/r, D. Wales 13 on snails and nymphs, D. Cooper 7 on c/r, Mark Laird 8 on c/r on yellow owl, Rainbow A.C. 22 for 48lb and 18 c/r, St. Peters 33 for 71lb and 15 c/r on cdc, Steven Burke 9 on c/r on fab and black cruncher, S. Robertson 16 on cdc and buzzer.

The trout are not fully switched on to the sedge yet. When they do it will make top of the water sport even better. 

That is the anglers dream.