Black Loch Weather Forecast

Limerigg, Slamannan Weather forecast ©

Wednesday 17 May 2017

Fishing Report Week Ending 14 May 2017

Red and green diawl bach, and damsel nymphs did well this week. The wind was blowing from the East, so it made things a lot cooler on the surface. A midge tip line was the most consistent this week as the cold wind put off big hatches on the surface. The weather is to get warmer this week and to settle down towards the weekend. The warmer weather should bring back on the buzzer hatches again. The heather hills and the high bank were the hot spots last week. The water clarity is great on the Loch and the massive shoals of fry seen swimming about the jetty is great. Some big trout are on the fry already. We are eagerly awaiting the big sedges that will be coming soon. The trout love them and know they are a good meal not to be missed. Anglers that did well last week, Luggiebank 30 for 62lb and 9 c/r, Gartmore 34 for 71.4lb and 31 c/r, Falkirk Municipal 32 for 68.5lb and 16 c/r, Craig Gibbons 5, D. Forsyth 3 for 9.8lb and 5 c/r, F. Kerr 3 for 9.6lb and 4 c/r, 1314 A.C. 26 for 68lb. Evening sessions finish at 22.00pm for now, but will soon get later by about 15 minutes a week.

Remember and get your name down for the float tube evening and the all nighter. They should be great. Also support the local Strathcarron Hospice fund raiser at the Loch run by David Symon and his family. Phone the lodge for more information.

Last thing, The sierra pairs are holding a heat at the Loch. Not to be missed. You know the drill. Get your name down and book a boat. Tight lines.

** Note from web designer - I am on holiday until May 31st so there will be no report published on website or blog next week.  Will catch up on them when I'm back home.**

Friday 12 May 2017

Fishing Report Week Ending 7 May 2017

The Loch is fishing great. The catch return numbers are impressive. The average weight is 2.5lb and the rod average is 4. We should really stop there, as that is a good report. 

Anglers that did well this week, D.E.A.F. club 15 for 30.10lb and 31 c/r, Bonnybridge 33 for 73.9lb and 6 c/r, IBM 50 for 107.14lb and 8 c/r, St. Mungos 12 for 24lb and 5 c/r, Aberdour A.C. 44 for 92lb and 5 c/r, Scotland Youth Team 69 on c/r, David Fraiter 3 for 6.12lb and 6 c/r. The best method was ghost tip line and best flies were black hopper, yellow owls and diawl bachs on a size 14. This week the wind is to be all over the place from East to West , to North East and every other direction. That will certainly change the hot spots. The fish that were spooned were full of olive buzzers and a small black ant about a size 14. One trout had about 20 of the ants in its stomach as well as cased caddis. We had two anglers from Oban that came to the Loch on Saturday and had a great day. They enjoyed it so much that they are making the long trip again and coming back on Wednesday this week. We really appreciate all the anglers that come to the Loch and we will always try to make it a good day out for the angler. But they have to catch there own trout. The bibios for the kids had 13 on Tuesday evening. Evening sessions finish at 10.00pm for now. But will get later as the nights draw out. We are getting excited about the sierra pairs competition at the Loch this year. Places are filling up. Please phone the lodge and get your name down for the competition. It has great prizes. This year we have the float tube evening, the all nighter and the yearly Strathcarron fundraiser run by Davy Symon. Again please phone the lodge and get a place booked for some, or all the upcoming events.

Thursday 4 May 2017

Fishing Report Week Ending 30 April 2017

The Loch fished very well last week. The numbers are impressive. Keatings 5 for 10.10lb and 10 c/r, S. Robertson 8 on c/r on buzzer, Bothwell and Blantyre 63 for 135.9lb and 21 c/r, Paisley Patterns 25 for 53.2lb and 7 c/r, Robbie Sutherland 12 on c/r on fabs and diawl bach, Billy and Marco 26 on c/r on drys and wets. The weather was steady last week, and that makes good fishing conditions. On Sunday the wind picked up and changed to the East making things harder for the anglers. Warmer weather is predicted for this week, but still a East wind. Lures will always pick up some fish, but again this week anglers on the more natural flies did better. Using a lure on the point, like a fab or booby is great at getting the trouts curiosity. Then droppers with the naturals on do well to catch the educated trout. This week again a yellow buzzer is on. Anglers that spooned the fish say they were full of yellow buzzers. Some were falling out the mouths of trout when they were being dispatched, they were that full. School bay and the high banks were the hot spots, and ghost tip line was the best.

The bibios for the kids start this Tuesday. Phone the Lodge and get your kid fishing in a great environment, with tuition to help them start fly fishing or improve there current skill level. The bibios are on a Tuesday night and finish at dusk. Ask David at the lodge for more information.

Remember there will soon be a float tube evening, and the first night session on the Loch. Phone the lodge and get booked in.

Well done to David Ezzi and Alan Martin for qualifying through to the second round of the nationals.