Black Loch Weather Forecast

Limerigg, Slamannan Weather forecast ©

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Fishing Report Week Ending 18 September 2016

So the weather has been very mixed this week ending cold and miserable. the usual for Scotland I suppose?! The loch however has been fishing well with methods staying pretty much the same. The midge tip line using the washing line method continues to work well, as does the floating line with dry's being very consistent. Temperatures have again dropped a couple of degrees most morning especially as the week ended. The Margins continue to fish well with plenty of fish in this area. The fishermen doing well this week are as follows: C Cowen 15 fish on C&R using dry's on one of several high catch trips, G Welsh 12 fish C&R again with dry's, J McIntosh and J MacDonald 7 fish on C&R also on dry's, R Adams bag limit of 5 + 3 on C&R total weight of 12lbs. Dez miller Bag limit of 5 also using Drys total of 14lbs and the paisley patterns club on their combined catch of 28 fish + 4 C&R totalling 64lbs. CBAC club 23fish for a grand 56lbs and Ardgowan club 14 + 5 C&R for 29lbs and finally St Mungos Ac 12 + 8 C&R for 42lbs. it has been difficult to tell which flys have been working best with several having been mentioned throughout the week.

Tuesday 13 September 2016

Fishing Report Week Ending 11 September 2016

Well it got colder and rained and the wind picked up this week. Do we ever get two weeks of the same weather in a row ? Tactics changed also. A midge tip line, using the washing line method of a fab on the point and two crunchers or diawl bachs on the droppers was the best method. Dries were still catching, but not as consistent as last week. There is about a five degree difference in temperature in the mornings from the previous week. That brings with it, a big atmospheric drop in pressure and we know the trout dont like that. The margins fished well this week as the drop in temperature has cooled them down, so the trout are hanging about in them again. The flies that caught this week were very varied. From snakes and dancers, to Kate McLarens and wingless wickhams and dries. So really any fly in the box seemed to work on different days. Anglers that did well Darren Inglis 5 on c/r on fritz, G. McGinley 5 on c/r on dries, G. Leishman 4 on c/r on cormorants and booby, D. Patterson 8 on c/r on dries and wets, R.A.F. fishing club 21 for 45lb, C. Stoneley 2 for 5lb and 4 c/r. Trout Fisherman magazine has done a great report on us this month. It is issue 488. Local angler George Learmonth from Redding is heading down to Grafham this week to represent the Black Loch in the Troutmasters final. We wish him every success and tight lines.

Friday 9 September 2016


On Sunday the roads around the Slamannan and Limerigg area are closed for a PEDAL FOR SCOTLAND event.
Anglers will be allowed access to the Loch. But they should be there by 8.00 am. Access is from the FALKIRK end. There will be no access from the East or West as the roads are shut from 6.00 am that day, and all roads will open at 14.30.
Come in from Falkirk and continue up the Slamannan road B803 to the end . 
At the end of the road, event staff will allow you to continue Left towards Limerigg. The road bends to the right on B8022. Continue to the end of the road. Then turn right at the road end and we are on the left 100 yards up the road.
Please inform staff that you are going to the Black Loch.
Elinor at "Pedal for Scotland" is the contact, and her number is - 0333 300 3485

Tuesday 6 September 2016

Fishing Report Week Ending 4 September 2016

The fishing is great at the moment. All over the Loch big bags, and big fish are being caught. We had many fish caught between the 4-9lb range. With the average trout a healthy 3.2lb in weight. Drifting right across the middle is the hot spot, with a floating line and yellow owl dries. Local and regular Ian Dobbie had 19 on Sunday doing just that, on a c/r ticket. With two of the fish being in the 8-9lb range. The two bays fished well also on the same method . But the middle of the Loch is the hot spot. The red legs are on the go now. So your heather flies and hoppers should come in to there own now. They are being blown on to water in the thousands as i write this. The trout are gorging on them. Evenings are only on a Thursday night now. Some late start days are available, but you will need to phone up first to check the availability of that day. Phone 07527 254811. The bibios finished on Tuesday night with a buffet then fishing for all connected with the kids. Well done to all the coaches and helpers in making the bibios the success it has been. We have a resident osprey now nesting and eating at the Loch. Nice to look at and admire. But i wish he or she would buy a permit! Anyway that is nature. The bird watchers are loving it. We have put up remote cameras to catch the action around the Loch so we can see what it is doing. Anglers that did well this week, C. Issac 8 on c/r on dry sedge, Billy McGranaghan and Marco Ezzi 13 on c/r on boobys, B. McCallion 5 for 18lb on cdc, C. Hesseltine 5 for 12.5lb and 2 on c/r, I. Dobbie 19 on daddy black cdc on c/r, John Middleton 2 for 6.10lb and 7 on c/r, Western angling club 12 on c/r on dries, Reece 8 on c/r, Greg McPicken 8 on c/r on cdc.

We did not post a report last week as a mark of respect for the passing away of Jimmy Coyne from Carron Valley.

Thursday 1 September 2016

Fishing Report Week Ending 21 August 2016

15-21 August

Top of the water wins again. Yellow owl, sedges and daddy's were the best method last week. With the big fish and big returns belonging to the anglers on the dries. The consistent candy booby and yellow dancer did catch fish, but the better bags were coming to the anglers on the dry. Jock Cairns and Willy McCann are regulars at the Loch and it was great that they had 8 on c/r on Thursday with one rainbow about 9lb in weight. Hopefully the picture will be on the web soon. It was bigger than the net and we have big nets. David Ezzi also had another big rainbow on c/r, about the 8-9lb range. That picture is on the face book page. The dam is the hot spot at the moment with the high hills being a close second. The best line is a floater or midge tip. The average weight was 2.6lb and the rod average was 3.1. So it was a good week for the anglers. Anglers that did well, A. McClemont 2 for 4.12lb and 9 c/r on buzzers, M. MacRitchie 6 on c/r on dries, M. Right 5 on c/r on dries, S. Harp 7 on c/r on cormorants, I. Hillhouse 9 on c/r on diawl bach and sedge, Cove and Kilcreggan club 9 for 23lb, John O'Hara 2 for 5.7lb and 5 on c/r, M. Anderson 8 on c/r on yellow owl, and again M. Anderson 5 for 10.12lb and 5 c/r, M. Dixon 7 on c/r on dries, Willy and Jock 8 on c/r on dries, BAAC 17 for 41.11lb, B.O.S. 11 for 26lb and 15 c/r, I. McLaren 5 for 11.8lb on booby, dry and damsel. He obviously went through his box to find out what they were on. As the nights are getting darker sooner , evening seasons finish at 9.30pm now.