Black Loch Weather Forecast

Limerigg, Slamannan Weather forecast ©

Monday 30 May 2016

Fishing Report Week Ending 29 May 2016

The weather was good and the fishing was great last week. Floating line is all that you need at the moment. Buzzers, diawl bach's, and yellow owl dry's are all that is needed. The big sedge is about to appear and should be on the water this coming week, all going well with the weather. The fish love the big sedge, and don't want to miss out on a good healthy meal. So the rise to take them is sometimes explosive. Anglers did well on daddy's this week also, so the fish are switched on, looking for the natural terrestrials to be blown on to the water. The hot spot was right along the high bank. With the best bags coming from there. The boat league this week was won by Alan Martin with 7 fish. The evening finish time is now 10.15pm and will get later by approximately 15 minutes every week. The bibio's for the kids on a Tuesday night, will be treated to a professional casting instructor this week to help them with there casting. About ten young kids are coming now on a Tuesday night. If you have any kids fishing waterproofs, etc that you no longer need, or your kid has grown out of them. Please hand them in to the Loch. Some of the kids don't have any fishing back ground and no fishing gear at all. Well done to all the helpers on a Tuesday night who give up time, to help the next generation. A osprey was dining at the Loch this week, and is a great sight to see. We have a lot of barn owls at the Loch and a few birds of prey. But it is impressive to see a osprey dive, and then carry away its prize. Anglers that did well this week, Edinburgh walton 32 for 71.13lb and 19 c/r, I. Wheeler 14 on c/r on dries, R. Chapman 5 for 12.7lb on buzzers, R. Boag 7 on c/r on dries, Dixon 7 on c/r on fab's, L. Quinn 7 on c/r on snatcher, J. Irvine 5 for 11.5lb and 7 c/r on diawl bach's, J. O'Hara 2 for 4.12lb and 4 c/r on hot head damsel, Keatings 5 for 11.1lb and 5 c/r on bobs bits, Carluke Angling club 40 fish for 86.7lb, D. Forsyth 5 for 10lb and 4 c/r, M. Ezzi 16 on c/r on blobs, Penicuik AC 22 for 43.12lb and 6 c/r, wlfdac 42 for 92.1lb and 4 c/r, Falkirk Flr Dressers 38 for 77lb and 20c/r, Dunfermline railway club 20 for 39.12lb and 8 c/r, B.D.W AC 17 for 37.7lb. Alan Martin on the right is pictured receiving his prize for the boat league from Peter Thomson.

Tuesday 24 May 2016

Fishing Report Week Ending 22 May 2016

Local man David Paterson had a great day on the Loch catching 16 on drys and buzzers. Another regular was Laurie Taylor who had 18 on drys and I. Glassford in the boat with him had 15 on the dry. Yellow owl was the most consistent. R. Baker with St. Peters club had a lovely 7lb rainbow. The picture is on the web and the face book page. The Loch is fishing well and all over. The high banks are the hot spot at the moment with natural flies out performing the lures. With warmer weather forecast that should remain the same. Don't be afraid to try the dry even when you dont see fish on the surface. The water is gin clear and the fish will come up for a well presented dry. You are more likely to catch the bigger and better fish on the dry. Marco Ezzi was top rod again in the boat league this week with 7 on c/r. You can still enter the boat league on a Thursday night. The Black Loch Bibio.s coaching for youths on a Tuesday night is going well with 7 youths new to fly fishing coming regularly. It is great to see young kids coming through the sport, and well done to the two David's for taking this on. Kids under 16 are welcome every Tuesday evening from 6pm. Other anglers that did well this week, S. Wilson 5 on c/r on black buzzers, John O'Hara 2 for 3.12lb and 11 c/r on bin laden buzzer, S. Pozzi 5 for 10.7lb and 1 c/r, Calliston 5 for 10.12lb and 1 c/r, M. Lyons 5 for 10.5lb and 2 c/r, S. Harper 5 for 10.8lb and 1 c/r, R. Ruben 5 for 9.6lb and 1 c/r, St. Peters 30 for 67.5lb, J. Gardner 5 for 11.1lb and 1 c/r on buzzers, Neptune club 20 for 40.8lb and 3 c/r, Marco Ezzi 10 on c/r on blobs, D. Stryles 5 for 11lb and 2 c/r on yellow fab, Anan Evans 5 for 12lb. Evenings time finish is now 10pm.

Fishing Report Week Ending 15 May 2016

We smashed it this week. A huge thank you must go to everyone that helped with the Scottish youth fund raiseron Sunday. A grand total of £1350.00 was raised for the youths. More than double the amount of last year. This money will help towards travel and accommodation as our youth team heads to Ireland this year for the competition. Well done Davy Ezzi for organizing the event. The adult that won on the day had 19 fish and the winner of the youths had 11. The pictures are on the web site with Alan Martin presenting them with their prizes.. On the same day we had a club outwith four boats and one of there anglers R. White caught fish which was a great relief for him as he had blanked for the last three years fishing with his club. His picture sitting on the wall with a huge relief, is also on the web site. The Loch is fishing well with regular oap, J. O,Hara catching 2 for 3.13lb and c/r another 9. Marco Ezzi and George Leishman had the best boat on Thursday night in the boat league competition with 17 fish. Black and green fabs and boobys on the washing line, was by far the best method this week. The hot spots were the high banks, and again the East side of the Loch from the school to the dam. The perch fry are visible in the Loch just now, and are about three inches. You will see thousands of them about the jetty area. The trout are feasting on them and you can see the trout silvering up beautifully. The loch is gin clear and the buzzers can be seen coming up through the water levels and hatching off. It is a great sight to see. Evening seasons have started and finish at 9.45pm this week. They will finish later by about fifteen minutes a week as the light nights get longer. To book a boat phone Alex on 07527 254811.

***Apologies for lateness in posting - we had techie issues :(

Saturday 14 May 2016

Fishing Report Week Ending 8 May 2016

Last week the wind changed. It blew from the East and it got colder. That changed the way the loch fished. Booby, damsels and blobs were the best methods on sinking lines. The weather is to change again. It is to be sunny and warm this week. Which should be good for the buzzer catches. This Sunday is the fundraiser for the Scottish youth team. There will be raffles and a auction when the boys come off the water at tea time. It may be boys against the men. Come along and buy a raffle ticket and support the future Scottish team. Prizes include tackle bags, flies, fishing days and many more. A big thank you to Davy Ezzi for organizing this event. The boat league started on Thursday and Marco Ezzi won the first night with 7 fish. A cracking 5lb brown was also caught. All were safely returned. The turnout was small on Thursday night. But dont worry. You can still come on a Thursday night and be in the boat league, as you can drop two outings through out the year. Anglers and clubs that did well, Pentland club 24 for 57.9lb and 14 c/r, boat league 14, Chris Stoneley 3 for 6.10lb and 7 c/r, Davy Patterson 13 on c/r on buzzer, Roy Hatchard and Cameron Smith 14 on c/r, Western club 31 on c/r, D. Bradshaw 9 on c/r, I.B.M. 29 for 77lb and 15 c/r, Des Welsh 8 on c/r, B. McGranagan 11 on c/r, Aberdowrie club 27 for 55lb, Falkirk Municipal 24 for 52lb and 4 c/r,D. McCallion 5 for 10.3lb and 2 c/r. Evening seasons have started and with better weather on the forecast for this week. The evening seasons should be good.

Friday 6 May 2016

Fishing Report Week Ending 1 May 2016

The weather changed everything last week. We had snow , ice, sleet, wind and rain. It changed the way the fish were feeding. The week previous, natural flies were by far the best. Last week with the huge temperature drop things changed. Sinking lines and dancers were working well. Is it only Scotland that gets four seasons in eight hours. This huge change in atmospheric pressure unsettles trout, and this upsets the way they go about there normal feeding habits. This is why Scottish anglers are so consistent. We have got used to the weather that Scotland throws at us, and can adjust our tactics to suit. Lures were the best last week on Di-3 lines, with cats whiskers, yellow dancers, fab's and booby's being the best flies. Using the washing line method on the Di-3 was working well. Again the east side of the Loch was the best place to be. Anglers that braved the weather and were rewarded with a good catch, Barry Anderson caught a cracking 5.10lb fin perfect rainbow that you could shave with the tail on it, Luggiebank 9 for 22lb and 1 c/r, Bonnybridge A.C. 34 for 67lb and 3 c/r, Diezel A.C. 27 for 54.4lb and 4 c/r, G. Jardine 7 c/r on lures, J. Ferguson 9 c/r on blobs, R. Watson 7 c/r on cormorants, K. Stevenson 9 c/r on diawl bach's, J. Penn 14 on c/r on dial bach's, Fred Paddon 7 on c/r on diawl bach and fab, G. MacIntosh 5 for108lb and 2 c/r, J. Johnson 5 for 9.12lb and 5 c/r, W. McFarlane 5 for 10.8lb and 3 c/r, I. McLaren 5 for 11.3lb and 6 c/r, I. Young 5 for 9.14lb and 2 c/r, D. Patterson 5 for 10.5lb and 6 c/r, John Gilmour 5 for 10.5lb and 1 c/r.

The Black Loch Bibios and the boat league start this week. So for the under sixteens, come along on a Tuesday night. For the boat league, it is a Thursday night. Evening seasons have started now. Our next big fundraiser is Sunday the 15th May and this is to help the Scottish youth team. If you can manage and want to support the youth team. Please phone up and book a boat for that day. Davy Ezzi is arranging the boats for that day. It may be men against the boys. I will warn you. The boys are good.