Black Loch Weather Forecast

Limerigg, Slamannan Weather forecast ©

Monday 28 September 2015

Fishing Report Week Ending 27 September 2015

G. McInley was top rod this week catching 15 on c/r on blobs and sedges. I think they were on different lines and fished at different times during the day. But they may have been on the same cast. Well done any way. Dries are still working as well, with Heriots A.C. catching 11 and c/r another 24 on dries and cormorants. Anglers who moved about the loch, were rewarded this week with good catches. J. Cairns 8 on c/r on sedges and cormorants, Peter Thomson 7 on c/r on blob and cruncher, S. Hardie 8 on c/r on cormorants, J. Murphy 5 for 11.12lb on sedge, G. Ferguson 5 for 12.3lb on cormorants, W. McCann 7 on c/r on diawl bachs, D. Higgins 1 for 3.2lb and 4 on c/r on cormorants, St. Mungos 12 for 28.4lb and 2 c/r, Ferry fly fishers 11 for 26lb. Cormorants in different body colours with a black wing was the top fly this week. Fished with a steady short retrieve just under the surface. Forest bend and the dam were the hot spots this week. Again cormorants catching the most in these areas. Evenings finish at 7.30pm, and you can still get a normal day permit, or a noon till evening permit.

Tuesday 22 September 2015

Fishing Report Week Ending 20 September 2015

*** Evening Fishing now ends at 7.30pm ***  The trout are in great shape and fighting as hard as you can get anywhere. We are getting our fish from Ae fishery again this week. They are coming on Thursday this week, so the anglers on Friday will get a good chance of sport before the weekend. The hot spot this week was at the stones between school bay and the heather hills. The fish are not deep. A midge tip or intermediate are all that is needed. Cormorants and orange blobs were the best flies this week. Some anglers are still catching on sedges and the F-fly on the surface, but lures seem to be doing the best at the moment. Anglers on the drogue, constantly moving and pulling flies got the best bags by far. John Middleton a regular caught a cracking 6.8lb rainbow. You will see the picture at the side. You can see the growth rate in the tail. The fish we stock are all about 2.5lb. So we believe this fish has been in the water about 2 years and has put on about 2lb a year in weight. The feeding in the water is amazing. It is no wonder that the fish pack on weight and muscle. They wont come in easy if you catch one though. Anglers that did well this week, Falkirk Fly Dressers on there 30 year anniversary got 15 for 35lb and 28 c/r with one c/r about 6-7lb. Gary Brown 5 for 12.12lb and 1 c/r on a wee Bert special, Ardgowan Fishers 16 for 34.8lb, Paisley Patterns 13 for 30lb and 2 c/r, S. Telford 6 on c/r on buzzers, J. Grant 5 on c/r on cormorants, D. Curran 6 on c/r on green peter, s. Hamilton4 on c/r on cormorants, M. White 3 for 5.10lb and 4 c/r on Kate McLaren, J. Marshall 2 for 5.10lb and 3 c/r, C. Anderson 5 for 10.3lb on blob and cruncher, C. Stoneley 3 for 7.12lb and 4 c/r.

Monday 21 September 2015

Fishing Report Week Ending 13 September 2015

First of all, let me apologise for the delay in posting this report - our Webmaster was sick last week!

Blobs or hoppers. They are about as far apart, in fishing flies as we are to the moon. But that summed up this weeks fishing. Some anglers were on floating lines with hoppers and some on Di-5 with blobs and snakes. The catch rate for both was consistent. Work that one out. Not as many anglers spoon there fish now. That could be because many anglers do catch and release. So it is hard to know on a daily basis what is on the natural menu for the trout. The loch is full of fry and sedges are still on. They must end soon, but there seems to be a limitless supply this year. Weekly stocking still continues and our fish this week are coming from AE fisheries on Friday. Let us know what you think about them. School bay, the heather hills and the dam fished well this week. But anglers had to move about to find fish. If you don't hit fish within 30 minutes at the most. Change flies and if that doesn't work, move. It is a big water, so great if you are on the fish. If not, get the old grey mater in your head working. If you move and it works well done. You worked to earn your fish. It was good to see The Invicta club up on Sunday. It is great to see the ladies fishing and certainly holding there own against a predominately male sport. Well done to Judith Swan who won the competition on the day. Anglers that did well this week, Loanhead and district 50 fish for 121.15lb, Alan Martin and D. Tyrie 12 on c/r on dries, Rainbow warriors 16 for 37lb and 2 c/r, Ferry Fly Fishers 19 for 38.6lb, The Invicta club 10 for 24.8lb, Billy Mc Granaghan 7 on c/r on cormorants, Des Welsh 4 on c/r on sedges, A. Ritchmond 3 for 7.8lb and 4 c/r on sedges and damsels, he was back again catching 4 on c/r this time. Anglers Attic 6 for16.6lb on sedge and f fly, H. Broadley 3 for 8.4lb and 4 c/r, on diawl bach, John Middleton 3 for 6.13lb and 2 c/r, Milngavie club 14 for 30.8lb on diawl bach, fab and sedges. Well done to our local youth, Marco Ezzie who has just qualified for the second time to fish for the Scotland Youth team. Evenings are still on till 8pm. You can get a ticket from midday till 8pm or a standard day ticket. Contact Alex on 07527 254811 for bookings or up to date information on the loch.

Wednesday 9 September 2015

Fishing Report Week Ending 6 September 2015

The loch fished steady all week, with the weather being kind it made the fishing good. Top of the water or just below the surface is the best at the moment. Young Marco Ezzie had two fin perfect stunning rainbows during an evening session on catch and release. You could shave with the tails on them. He is busy practising his skills for next years Scottish youth team, and we wish him well this Saturday. Both fish were between the 7 to 10lb mark, and looked stunning. The pictures will be on our web site soon. Dry daddy's fished very well, as did the ever consistent candy booby. Sedges are still on the water and anglers are catching well on them. There seems to be an endless supply of sedges this year and the trout love them. The two reedy bays and school bay were the hot spots this week with most anglers bagging up by midday most days. The loch is still full and crystal clear. Lets hope for more settled weather this week so that the fishing stays as good. Anglers that did well A. Richmond 3 for 7.5lb and 4 c/r on a sedge, Harry Broadley 3 for 7.2lb and 7 c/r, John O'Hara 3 for 10.6lb and 5 c/r on a sedge, Harry Broadley was back again with 3 for 6.2lb and 1 c/r, W. Tomlin 4 on c/r on cormorants, J. Bryan 4 on c/r on cormorants and cats whiskers, Cowdenbeath club had 30 fish for 68lb and about the same on c/r, Des Welsh had 5 on c/r on a red sedge, Billy Mc Granaghan had 5 on c/r on a red sedge, Mark Paterson had 5 for 10.15lb, Stuart Miller had 5 for 10.12lb, A.B.C. and D had 32 for 79.2lb. Evening session's finish at 8.15pm now, and you can still get your normal day permit or a 12 till 8pm permit. Phone Alex on 07527 254811 for up to date information on the Loch. Tight lines.