Black Loch Weather Forecast

Limerigg, Slamannan Weather forecast ©

Tuesday 28 April 2015

Fishery Report Week Ending 26 April 2015

Conditions changed this week, with the mercury dropping and the wind cant make it's mind up. The fish have went of the shrimp now and are taking a small black midge. Anglers who spooned there fish found this out and had good days fishing. We would always recommend spooning your first fish. It gives you a better chance to see what is on the trout's diet. You cant spoon a fish on catch and release that is to be returned. The dam and school bay fished well this week with the choice of line an intermediate. Booby's, fab's, crunchers and hair's ear all done well this week. Regular Peter Thomson started the week with 5 on c/r and loosing a trout in double figures at the net after two runs that seen him taking to the backing twice. He was well pleased. The O.A. P. ticket during the week of 3 fish is popular with anglers catching there 3 fish and then drinking coffee. Regular J. Middleton is one with 3 for 7.8lb and 1 c/r, Paul Mears 5 on c/r, Bothwell and Blantyre club 43 for 117.13lb with Laurie Taylor having the biggest fish at 7.6lb, Bridge Inn club 9 for 22.9lb, S. Moodie 6 on c/r. Evening's start this week on Thursday and we are open till dusk.

Tuesday 21 April 2015

Fishery Report Week Ending 19 April 2015

Another great week at the loch with plenty of fish being caught. Both reedy bays were holding a lot of fish with anglers having one drift through it and catching there limit. Having only done one drift and bagged up some went looking in different areas for fish and found the high banks just of the Lilly's to also be a hot spot. Booby's, black and green fritz, dennis the menace buzzers and damsel were all working with hoppers fished dry also catching. Most of the fish were in the top four feet of water, but Sunday saw them go deeper, with a sinking line working best. Most of the 1314 angling club were finished by ten in the morning having a great day with 30 fish for 79lb and returning as many. ABC and d fishing club 42 for 109lb and  30 c/r, Stuart Allan 5 for 11.6lb and 4 c/r, Jim Black 5 for 12.14lb,Billy McGranaghan 10 on nymphs on c/r, Fred Paddon 9 on diawl bachs on c/r, George Bell 3 for 7.3lb and 3 c/r, C. Smith 5 for 15.5lb and 1 c/r, D. Smith 5 for 13.5lb and 2 c/r, George Learmonth 3 for 7.3lb and 7 c/r, L.D.C. 47 for 127lb, St mungos 23 for 52.8lb and 13c/r. The trout masters competition was held on Thursday and we are please to say that Paul Clarke won the heat with  5 for 16.11lb and  6 c/r and also junior Marco Ezzie qualified to fish the final down south this year. Well done to everyone who took part. contact the loch on 07527 254811 for bookins or details of the 2015 competition..

Wednesday 15 April 2015

Fishery Report Week Ending 12 April 2015

The Loch fished great during the week. Fresh water shrimp are on the menu for the trout, and the trout are scooping them up in numbers. The fish are loving this natural food source. So are the anglers, with some great bags. This week we had some stunning Browns at 5lb and also a double figure Rainbow. This is great news for us as we don't stock anything over 3lb. So it shows, just how good the feeding in the water is. The weather changed at the weekend, it got cold, wet and even some hail stones. So it meant fishing conditions changed. The fish went deeper with Di3 line being the best line at the weekend, and lures were working as the trout went of the shrimp during the cold weather. Booby, orange fritz, Hot head damsel and cormorants worked well during the cold spell with the hot spots being both reedy bays and school bay. We were also privileged to host a fund raiser organized by David Ezzie for The Scottish National Youth Team on Sunday and are pleased to say it was the boys who caught the stunning brown and the double figure rainbow. Well done to everyone who made this a great event and also in raising over £500 for the youth team.Anglers who did well this week. Top man was G. McGinley 19 on c/r on crunchers, D. Morrison 5 for 13.10, G. Ferguson 4 for 10.10 on orange lures, M. edge 8 on c/r on a fab, I. Skilling 6 on c/r on a fab, Ian Glasford 4 on c/r, Harry Broadley 3 for 8.5lb and 3 c/r on Ally McCoist,  John O'Hara 6 on c/r on nymphs, R. Esouierdo 4 for12lb on a yellow dancer, G. Steele 5 for 22.8lb, B. McGranigan 6on c/r on March browns, T. Ramsay 5 for 15.5lb and 2 c/r, w. Cran 5 for 13.12lb on boobys,T. Sutherland5 for 13.3lb on damsel, R. Sutherland 4 for 11.12lb on boobys, G. Brown 4 for 11.1lb an a white cat, Eddie Eyan 5 for 13.10lb and 1 c/r, Bank of Scotland West 10 for 25lb, Luggiebank 21 for 51lb, Ian Dobbie 10 on c/r on black buzzer, Scottish youths 22 who beat the adults with 20. Contact George at the Loch 075270254811 for bookings. The weather is looking good for the weekend, so lets get fishing. 

Fishery Report Week Ending 5 April 2015

The weather is getting warmer, buzzers are moving and the fish are feeding well on them. The water is losing the winter chill and that means the trout will become more active and more likely to be moving about freely looking for food, using more energy, and then needing more food. Anglers had some great bags of fish this week, with lots of fish between the four to seven pound range being caught. Again quality trout, tails like shovels, fighting hard for there lives. The shallower water is still best at the moment, with a cast along or in to the bank a must. School bay was holding fish right across the full bay. Cormorants, pearly and black and green did well, as did cats whisker and nomads, but black buzzer was King. The best catch this week was J. McDonald with 12 on c/r, other anglers who done well, G. Hardy 8 on c/r, Stuart Hamilton 5 for 16lb and 5 c/r, Glen MacKie 5 on c/r, Thomas MacKie 9 on c/r, Gus Shepherd 6 on c/r, R. Thomson 7 on c/r, D. Patterson 5 for 18.6lb and 3 c/r, D. Savage 3 for 8.14lb and 2 c/r, Barry's angling club 17 for 43lb and 5 c/r.

Fishery Report Week Ending 29 March 2015

Two regulars were the top anglers this week, with the pairing of D. Welsh and B. McGranaghan catching 16 on catch and release, using booby's and cormorants. The hot spot is still North reedy bay right down to forest bend and close in. Blues are showing up regularly in the returns also. You know when you have one on. They fight hard when you hook one. We cancelled the boats on Saturday due to the high winds as it was only safe and fare for the anglers, especially for the anglers that have to travel far. The weather is to be more settled by the weekend, so lets hope that April starts with some fine weather so we can all enjoy our fishing, and for the gales to stop blowing. More anglers than ever do catch and release now, so you don't always get to find out what the fish are eating as you are not spooning them. So we cant always report on their diet.

Fishery Report Week Ending 22 March 2015

The Loch fished well all week, with some anglers in double figures. The over wintered fish that are coming off are stunning. Bar's of silver with tails like shovels. A lot of blues were also in the catch return this week. As the wind was constant till Saturday the best drift was from the North reedy bay right down past forest bend and in to the school bay. With much warmer weather the fish are not deep down and a midge tip line was all that was needed. They were being caught on buzzers, diawl bach's, hot head damsels and dry's. Quite a difference in the fly choice you might say. The fish were feeding well for the anglers. On Sunday we had the SANACC fund raiser. The wind did a complete u turn on the day, blew hard and got cold. The team still did well with 66 caught and two anglers sharing first prize with 8 fish each. Other anglers that did well this week, P. Stenhouse 4 on a orange fritz, I. Dobbie 12 on buzzers, D. Patterson 6, D. Frater 6 on a damsel, J. Riddicks 5 on a damsel, I Riddicks 4 on a damsel, C. Taylor 4 on diawl bach's, J. Anderson 4 on a blood worm, Willy Munn 15 on diawls, blob and blood worm.

Fishery Report week ending 15 March 2015

Well the season started officially on Sunday and the weather was kind for the anglers who shrugged of the cobwebs and got the fly rods working again. Almost every angler had fish with local man Peter Thomson(Falkirk) having the best catch, with most of the fish between three to five pound in weight and only one was a stocky! He was fishing from the dam drifting right across the water and catching on crunchers on a midge tip line. The fish are in stunning condition, fins like shovels, full of muscle, and hard fighting. Our weekly stocking has started with the first stocking being all blues. There were only a couple of them caught, with the resident rainbows showing more. This season I am sure some angler will catch a trophy trout of a life time from the loch. One you would want in a glass display and never get tired of looking at.
This Sunday is the fishing fund raiser for the Scottish national team. So if you want to come and meet some of the team, buy a raffle ticket or take part in the auction. It is this week. Please support our National team, they are the best competitive anglers in the country at the moment, and the ones who will represent us this year in fly fishing. Come on Scotland. Contact George on 07527 254811 for information, or for bookings, or check the web site for details. As the season has only just started there is not much to report at the moment, but we hope to see you soon at the water.